Santa Anna vs Blum

Where did that come from? Would they be allowed to bring non air horns and non battery operated noise makers? Such as guitars and drums? How about if the air is from the person, not a can, like a trumpet? Or is the intention for everyone to sit quietly on their duffs and golf clap where appropriate?
How bout a train horn so big you have to pull it on a trailer?...actually saw that once...also saw a full blown ambulance siren and a hand cranked air raid siren. But to me the most annoying is the propane bottle one quarter full of pennies in the hands of a crazed mom!
hornkeeper12":14qevnwc said:
Where did that come from? Would they be allowed to bring non air horns and non battery operated noise makers? Such as guitars and drums? How about if the air is from the person, not a can, like a trumpet? Or is the intention for everyone to sit quietly on their duffs and golf clap where appropriate?

Sounds as if someone from one of the schools has been talking to the sullen, miserable morons who thought silence was a good idea in Div I District 2
Brawny":kkrnn3ec said:
How bout a train horn so big you have to pull it on a trailer?...actually saw that once...also saw a full blown ambulance siren and a hand cranked air raid siren. But to me the most annoying is the propane bottle one quarter full of pennies in the hands of a crazed mom!

There was a booster in Happy who would paint his face and suit out in a football uniform every game. He would shake that propane bottle the whole game. It was loud. And annoying.

He's since retired, but man - He loved his Happy Cowboys.
Both schools talked on the phone about it. That is what the 2 superintendents decided. May not agree with it, but rules are rules. Shaker bottles are aloud. Just thought I would let everyone know because they will remove you from the game for it. Was sitting in one of the Sup's office when the decision was made.
Well....since I am a school administrator myself all I can say is I hope those two sups enjoy the enforcement of that decree....and I hope no one shows up with a tornado warning siren powered by a jet engine
Yes I think they have the right to use the horn, But I'm just sayin' it scared the crap out of me the first time I heard it. Now I do know that both schools have to aprove it for it to be used. Back in 06 in the simi-final one of our fans made a train horn like Strawn and RS said no to it!
Sometimes it's a venue thing.
Like at Shotwell.
You can bring the big horns
but you have to set up in a certain area.
You can't be on the field
be pointing into peoples ears.
Strawn has a great horn.
It has several tones
So do several others.
I think they actually sound better
if they set up back away from the field
and then really let er' rip!!
Only then can you really appreciate the nuances of the machine.

Kinda like CowboyP.
The farther away from you he is,
the more you appreciate him.
jus sayin'.
I totally agree with Doggy, I haven't heard the Strawn horn but it sounds awesome. We used to play a team that rung a bell after a victory and the visitors had to walk by it while they rang it. That put salt in the wounds. They also had one fan that had a metal pole that had some big bells on it so when he shook it, made one heck of a racket. Made mistake of sitting to close when visiting on a playoff game.
ok I will weight in since this directly affects me. I have been to many 6 man football games & have seen many differant devises used in support of there teams. the first time I heard a train horn at a football game some years back I was impressed, yes they are load & yes they are anoying but this is not Golf or tennis it is football get over it . if you dont wont to hear the other teams air horns score more points. if you dont wish to hear the shakers in the stands score more points that will shut them up. & yes I am one of those that has several differant anoying devises that I will bring to games to support our football team.
yes I was told by the Superintendent that my shaker is ok but my train horn or fire eng. horn was not. so they will be absent friday night from the game. but I will still be just as load as before in support of our team just as many of you will be in support of yours.

PS: Brawny did you say you had a jet eng. in your back yard, I can borrow the Tornado warning Siren from down the street

also looking to buy/rent or steal a hand cranked air raid siren for this friday night game. let me now if you have one!!!
If we somehow manage to beat Gordon I might have to find a jet powered tornado siren and fire that baby listened to from a concrete bunker 5 miles away!
If we somehow manage to beat Gordon I might have to find a jet powered tornado siren and fire that baby listened to from a concrete bunker 5 miles away!
I usually just turn my hearing aids down...........................................
Most of the time I can ignore the noisemakers but they really annoy my DSW.......they interrupt her visiting.............