A home team is responsible for getting refs and making sure they show up. A real good organization will always follow up the day of the game to make sure the refs are going to show up. When this is not done and the visiting team travels, the home team should forfeit. High Island offered to come to Prairie Lea on the following Saturday. Prairie Lea could not play the following day because we had two players that would not be able to attend the game. That would of left us with 4 players. Because of this the District Chair called a DEC meeting for the next day to discuss options. Prairie Lea was unable to attend the meeting at such short notice and now we are forced to play on Monday in High Island at 5 for something that could of been corrected had school admin. checked to verify the refs were coming the day of the game. Now we must move next Friday's game vs. Calvert for a Saturday kickoff instead of Friday. Prairie Lea did the right thing by showing up to play and will now get punished and have to play on Monday and move our next game for Saturday. All could of been avoided with a follow up with the refs the day of the game. If we are allowed to play on Monday I have not received anything from the UIL stating we could play a varsity game that day. Prairie Lea does not have the best history the last 10 years but I am working hard to change that. I certainly feel we were bullied around in this situation. Remember two things 1. Follow up with refs and get it documented. 2. Prairie Lea is moving in the right direction and the kids have the absolute best attitudes I have ever coach in my life.