Re-alignment questions......


11-man fan
According to the UIL C&CR, it states that a school choosing to play six-man football has four different ways to calculate enrollment. Can an 11-man school use those calculations this year if they are choosing to play six-man? or can only schools that have been 6-man use those calculations?

Also, what time frame does a school have to say whether or not they will play 6-man? I know the re-alignment meeting is in Feb, but is there a specific date schools have to declare?

Thanks in advance.
The calculation question would be a one you would have to ask Dr. Mark Cousins with the UIL.

From a previous post, it seems you have to declare your intentions to play football when you turn in your ADA on snapshot day at the end of this month.
Fyi- The submission of enrollment figures for the upcoming Reclassification and Realignment will take place on October 13, 2011. The release date for the 2012-14 Reclassification and Realignment is February 2, 2012.
4. Schools with an enrollment of 99.9 or lower may choose to participate in six-man football or may opt to play
eleven-man football but remain in the smaller division for basketball and spring meet (see #7 below). Schools
choosing to participate in six-man football may submit enrollment figures by any one of the following
combinations of grades: grades 9, 10, 11 and 12; grades 8, 9, 10 and 11; grades 7, 8, 9 and 10; or grades 9 and
10 doubled.

This is straight from the UIL manual that was released on 9-28-2011.
I contacted Mark Cousins and he said the school has those options "only if they have been playing sixman ball." For 11man schools, you must count 9-12. Thanks for everryone's help.