Prayers Needed -- Injured player


Six-man pro
Please keep Lifegate's Jayson Mittelberg in your prayers tonight and through the next few days.

During tonight's game vs SA Town East, Jayson was seriously injured (neck/head). The game was stopped for over 30 minutes as emergency personnel (starting with the EMS tech we have on site during the game) and later air-evaced to Brackenridge Hospital in Austin. (The helicopter landed right on the football field.)

He did have movement in his hands and feet and was able to converse with family and emergency personnel and we pray that the news will be good, but as of now (11 pm) all I know is that he has arrived at the Brackenridge ER and I expect is undergoing a full examination by the medical staff there.

EMS personnel told me later that their standard operating procedure for football injuries of this type is to use airlife.
Thank you ... and thank the Lord ... Jayson was released from Brackenridge early this morning and he's at home resting and will be alright.

However, please be in prayer for Mineral Wells Community Christian's player Robert Mounce. He was hurt in tonight's game and is being prepped for surgery for blood on the brain (facebook report). He was also airlifted from their game.
Praise the Lord. (for Jayson), we were at the game and my family has been praying that we hear such a good report. Now praying for the recovery of Robert as well.
Thanks for your prayers. I saw Jayson at school this morning. He's still sore, but doing okay. I am a little ticked that the kid wasn't terribly grateful about all the work folks did to get him a nice helecopter ride to Austin ... seems he complained about the view being lousy. Gees, some folks wouldn't be happy if you hung 'em with a new rope.

The helicopter trip was front page news in the Seguin Gazette on Sunday, with yours truly quoted extensively (I guess nobody else was answering their phones) ... ... 03286.html

Have not heard any additional information on the young man from Mineral Wells Community Christian. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.