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Did I tell you folks that I am a member of the ownership group of a professional sports franchise ... not just any franchise, but the #1 in all professional sports -- THE GREEN BAY PACKERS.  My stock certificate is framed above my desk ...|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Green Bay Packers  President Mark Murphy to shareholders:

Team's apparel sales are No. 1 in NFL

Written by Green Bay Press-Gazette

2:48 PM, Jul. 28, 2011|

GreenBay Packers shareholders today heard a lot of good things.

Team officials talked about emerging from the lockout and looking forward to building on last season’s Super Bowl win.

“We expect to win,” said general manager Ted Thompson, who received a standing ovation from shareholders as he reached the podium.

Packers president Mark Murphy says sale of Packers apparel ranked first in the NFL.  Team officials also announced that the Packers organization is the No. 1 franchise in professional sports, according to ESPN magazine.

Jason Weid, the team’s vice president of administration and general counsel, said the team’s economic impact on the Green Bay area is 5 times greater than the Dallas Cowboys.

He also shared a video of development area around Lambeau Field, which will soon be available on the team’s website.

Also coming soon: a smartphone app that provides a ton of Packers-related information, including locations of Packers bars across the country. More than 800 bars already are on the list.

About 11,700 turned out for the annual gathering at Lambeau Field for today's shareholders meeting.


Early on, Murphy said the team has a “lot to celebrate. We can play football now.”

Muggy conditions without any breeze in the bowl created sweltering conditions for the meeting.

It’s an annual event, but many in the stadium were especially excited to be there today.

Nikki Theune said she received tickets from her friends and attended with her two children.

“I have butterflies going through here,” she said.

Shareholders also were treated to 10 minutes of highlights from “Lombardi: A Reading by the Broadway Cast.”

In addition, 16 members to the 45-member board of directors were elected. Three are new to the board, including the first black woman member in Valerie Daniels-Carter, 53, president and CEO of V&J Holding Companies Inc. of Milwaukee. Other new additions are David Kohler, 45, president and chief operating officer of Kohler Co. in Kohler and former Brown County Executive Tom Hinz.

Hinz’s term on the board will be brief. He is 69, and the mandatory retirement age is 70.

Standing for re-election, with terms to expire in 2014, are Andrew Farah, Terrance Fulwiler, George Kerwin, Carl Kuehne, Charles Lieb, Edward Martin, Packers President Mark Murphy, Thomas Olejniczak, Pat Richter, Diane Roundy, Mark Skogen, Stephanie Streeter and Larry Weyers.

Kuehne and Richter also are 69.

The Packers have 4,750,937 shares of stock owned by 112,120 shareholders. More than 20,000 people attended the 2006 shareholders meeting, which included a Packers locker room tour. About 8,300 shareholders and guests attended the 2010 meeting.

-- Press-Gazette reporters Kelcie McCrae, Charles Davis and Richard Ryman contributed to this report.
