Posted this on another site but thought I would throw it on here too.
I have attended my last college football game. That is unless I can find something different than I have experienced so far this year and last.
I attended 2 games last year toward the end of the season and have been to 2 this year. One this year at a leading Division 2 program and one at a Big 12 school.
The D2 school cost is reasonable but the Big 12 cost is just totally out of reason. $70.00+ each for seats, $5.00 for bottled water and $5.00 and up for any food product. ( your allowed to carry nothing in )
But cost is not the big bitc_ here. Dam_ - it is the non stop ads bombarding you from the time you get in the stadium until you can get back to your car and shut the door.
The speakers are blaring some business name - the Jumbo-Tron is flashing ads and prices constantly, between the flashing ads are school blurbs begging money for endowments, scholarships and building programs.
Every move on the field is sponsored by someone that you hear blasted over the speakers after every first down, every punt or kick, every sack, listing of the scoring drives - I am surprised they don't have a sponsor's name blaring every time someone goes to the restroom. Even time outs are sponsored by somebody. Extra TV time outs where somewhere thousands of someones you don't even know are getting hit with commercials while you suffer through another 3 to 5 minutes of ads coming at you non stop.
It is worse than TV. You can't turn it down or off and you can't switch channels.
So as for me I'm done. I go to watch a football game. It is now a Money Circus gone mad where the game is the least of the focus and is lost in a non stop display of pure greed ... I really don't have to pay out hard earned money to be used as a sequestered marketing target.
By the way ... had free tickets to the Big 12 game last night ... still not worth the aggravation...
Rant over !!!