Note to those who don't understand the spreads-2014


Six-man expert
Every year it seems I need to explain a few things about the rankings, spreads, etc. Before my inbox gets loaded with 'nobody respects us', 'your system is stupid', 'you are an idiot'... messages and e-mails, let me explain a few things.

Preseason rankings are estimations based on last years data and whatever information I may have before the season. They are nothing more than a starting point and conversation piece.

In the case of most private schools, I have no additional information other than what you did last year. I used to not publish my private school rankings for several weeks. Heck, I used to never publish them at all, out of respect for Jon Walk, whose rankings I would publish instead despite using my own in the system.

The rankings by week 4 are pretty solid (given you have played a decent schedule). I will give more information as the season goes on. I will also publish a page where you can see why your ranking exists where it does, but not for a few more weeks.

In theory I could just start everyone out the same and the rankings would just bounce around and by week 5 we would be in the exact same spot... but what fun would that be?

I have been doing this a long time. My first rankings were back in 1993, but I never published them. It wasn't until 1994 when I started showing people then started the newsletter and several newspapers started running them. Back then, there wasn't anyone else ranking the teams, save for the AP Poll for the top-10, which I was asked to voted on from 1995 until it ended. For the poll I would submit the systems' top-10

Will there be a bunch of spreads out of whack? Yes, the first few weeks are where we get a ton of information on who has improved or not. It does not make me feels good nor bad. I expect it. It there was a system that predicted 100% of the games, the world would not be a better place. I am happy with a 80% average for the season. That's been the going rate.

No reason to send me hate mail. Just post the score and brag about your team. That will do.

I personally do not root for teams and do not have a dog in the hunt. I root for friends I have made over the years hope they all get the opportunity to play for a title at some point. Unfortunately, they all tend to play each other over time.

If you have questions, please ask.
You are doing a heck of a job, and I wanted you to hear that. I thank you for this website and what you have done day in and day out managing along with your career. I'm in New Mexico now at Clovis Christian and miss you guys back in Texas. Thanks again for ALL that you do. When at Heath-Fulton we used it as motivation; coaches, fans, and players should realize being a favorite on PAPER means nothing until you kickoff that night.


Coach Johnson, M.Ed.
Clovis Christian
A fan, short for fanatic, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person who is enthusiastically devoted to something, such as a band, a sports team, a book or entertainer. Collectively, fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They may show their enthusiasm by being members of a fan club, holding or participating in fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or by promoting the object of their interest and attention.

It is to be expected
Hey Mr. Guru can you splain this whole ranking system to me ... I may have forgotten how it works ...

You guarantee all of the spreads and game outcomes - right ??

Just want to make sure before I start any of my rants....

By the way ... love the avatar pic ...
Just as a follow-up... I was not posting this in response to any specific e-mail or posting, I just wanted to get ahead of the curve. This always comes up and while I actually remembered I figured I ought to get out in front of it.

I expect e-mails (and appreciate them, as many good suggestions come out of them), just trying to cut down on them...
I got a suggestion the other day on what i could do with my rankings. It is NOT suitable for a public forum.

You are the Guru for a reason. 2nd to none.

If you have noticed, I have not done any rankings as of yet. I will not be posting a preseason ranking. My rankings will start after I have some data. I figured the only way to get accurate pre-season info would be to send out a 47 page questionnaire to each team, and then expect all of the questions to be answered honestly and without bias.........

so I'll just wait till next week

good football to ya
excellent hornkeeper... look forward to seeing them.

JO, as for the photo, I love it too. It is my intimidating look after a long trail run in the winter... LOL (from the Ted Kaczynski school of photography)
granger":21jgurf7 said:
........... It is my intimidating look after a long trail run in the winter... LOL (from the Ted Kaczynski school of photography)
All of us subalterns are duly intimidated..................
They all looked good to me. If somebody is not happy with where their team is ranked it's up to that team to win the games and earn respect and climb up the rankings.
The only rankings that matter are....second thought they don't either. (:
It's a good consolation for some of us.
There has been a big flip in DI District 3 rankings over the first three weeks along with a spreading of distance in ranking among the five teams.

The strength of schedules played and one major upset has scrambled the eggs.

It looks as though the "TOY" has been able to begin to settle in on this districts rankings. A couple of games this week should solidify the picture pretty good.

The link below is a sort of synopsis of what has transpired so far in the District.