North Texas Junior High Games needed- weeks 6, 8, 9


11-man fan
We are looking for Junior High games for weeks 6 (away) and weeks 8,9 (-Friday 10/25 and Friday 11/1 at home). We have a fairly good sized roster (16 players) and they have come together pretty well. Would like to find a good strong competitor during these weeks to push these guys...

Please contact me if interested...

Mark Baker
CHANT Chargers
[email protected]
Would love to help since our Wichita Christian JH scores are looking the same as yours, but we will have to have a cancellation to do anything at this point.
Sounds good coach- would love to have a really tough game for these guys....Trying to determine if they are really as good as they are playing, or if our competition has just not been quite up to par so far this year....
Same here. Similar to what I see on your schedule results, we are 4-0 with games of 45-0, 65-27, 75-28, and 58-14 where any of them could have been 100-0 at half if we wanted it to. I'm not sure we are that good...just everyone else is really down at the same time. These guys took their lumps as sixth graders when we had to start three of them that year. They were looking forward to this year and now it's not even that fun. And then, next year they are back to taking lumps again.
I hear ya- has been a strange year for us- we had a handful move up to Senior High, and only returned 3 from our last year JH roster- all the rest are new...didn't know what to expect, but have been really pleasantly surprised...Two of our three offensive and defensive players have never played football before....

You are committed to week 9 in the Gridiron Bowl.

Please let me know if you are backing out as we do have a waiting list.

Thank you!