New Fall 2016 YouTube Video Series


11-man fan
Hey all.

Living outside of Cranfills Gap, we're surrounded by six-man football. I grew up out in the oil fields of west Texas, Andrews, where we were always in the hunt when it came to football. But I'm still a newbie regarding the hardcore six-man culture. That said, I have no idea what I might be stepping into... but here goes...

I'm looking for constructive comments and feedback about a project I'm working on. Due to an intersection of a larger project under the name of TexasBigStar and a personal friend connection with a legit six-man football nut by the name of Barry Fikes, I have asked Barry if he would help me do a series on six-man football using his school's fall season as a vehicle. It wasn't a hard sell. So we've begun.

While I'm not pretending to think my approach to this series could achieve anything comprehensive or even-well balanced, I'm definitely not producing something that is just Richland Springs propaganda - even though it may feel that way from time to time. Conveying their excitement, their history and their culture is a huge part of the story. And since I'm trying to make something that would be interesting to people around the world, for some viewers, all of this is new. It won't be new to you guys.

I'm trying to capture aspects of the excitement and loyalty that small towns often have following their teams. We hope to show and celebrate things that are often true across the larger Texas football community. But since we're a super small production with very limited resources, our approach must also be limited and manageable. Therefore, one host covering one team works for us.

At some point, you probably would have been made aware of this project. And since that might eventually happen anyway, I thought I'd should be the one to introduce you to it with a proactive comment as to where I'm coming from.

While this new series is focused on one team, we want it to be something that lifts ALL of six-man. I know that Richland Springs and Barry are a proud bunch. They should be; they are good. But as I work on editing the upcoming episodes, I'll be balancing the capturing of their specific story with our larger goal of Texas wide six-man.

Having known Barry for a number of years, I really appreciate him. I also really appreciate that not everyone will enjoy the amount of Barry that you'll find in our series. Nevertheless, he is the guy. Committed, genuine, honest, and faithful in so many ways. And in this case, he's available and willing to help me with this project. That's huge; otherwise, we couldn't do this most likely.

So, if you check out our series and can offer encouragement or constructive criticism or suggestions, you could possibly help me shape the rest of the episodes. Lord willing, we'll be publishing a new episode weekly.

I hope you like (or at least appreciate) what I am trying to do with this video series, even if the Coyotes are arch rivals. It'll be edgy. Maybe a little silly. But we'll work with what we can get. I'm personally pleased with Episode 01.

Thanks for reading this.

- Matt

Here's the link.
Very well put together. I look forward to seeing where this goes. And yes, as Barry explained... we are all homers. Congrats, and keep up the good work.
Awesome job!!!! I enjoyed your commentary but would love to see some game highlights during your commentary. Thanks for sharing and keep er going!!!!!
I am assuming that GoPro Hero Cameras would be good for you Tube Videos.

Not sure about exactly how to record a six man game

My best guesses are:

1. Install a stationery camera up high on a light pole I guess and aim to the center of the field.

2. Get a location up high above the action and operate the camera following the action.

3. Follow the action with a tripod mounted camera up and down the length of the field. I doubt that I am in good enough condition to do that for the entire game. I guess if I had one of those two wheel electric Segways, it would work better.

Any suggestions and thoughts on that??
rainjacktx":3thb5niv said:
One word: Drones.

One 6man film looks like every other 6man film. Drone mounted go-pros would be a game changer.
That is an excellent idea.......... I'm sure the UI of L would find fault with the concept though.........
Well, as fer drones, I done thought that feller droned on a little too much...blah, blah, blah...I wuz ready to take a boat oar to hiz fat noggin and done shut him up...
Goob":1jc9vqnj said:
Well, as fer drones, I done thought that feller droned on a little too much...blah, blah, blah...I wuz ready to take a boat oar to hiz fat noggin and done shut him up...
Perhaps a little makeup to soften the glare off said noggin would be in order.........
I appreciate the effort and passion. It's great to see footage of a six man football team shot with quality production values. However, I feel like the audience for this show is only limited to Richland Springs. It might work if you produced an episode from a new team each week...I dunno. I do know that it's a tad uncomfortable to be looking at a guy speaking from such a close distance for extended periods of time. Maybe shoot more B-Roll? Also...I don't know Mr. Fikes, and perhaps I'm underestimating him...but I would be amazed If he didn't run out of things to say. Seems like he covered it in 2 episodes. I know you hope to produce 15 of these and am looking forward to seeing where it goes from here (without game film highlights, personal stories from the players etc.) I know it's only been two episodes, but I think if you continue with the same week 15, Mr. Fikes will be reading out of old RS annuals to the camera. Just my two cents; I'm kinda interested in this sorta thing.
Dear 16mmjoe,

Thank yew, thank yew, thank yew! Jest whut I was atalkin' bout. Big ol bald head, creepy eye, blatherin' on...but I seriously doubt that feller ever runs out of stuff to say...done appears to be pure pekkerwood from bald head to gout toe.
Btw, iz yew any relation to that morningjoe feller on MSNBC...the one that wuz a Florida redneck riviera congressman that now done sucks up to hiz New York elite friends?
Finally got a chance to watch these... I am excited to see where this goes.

I know there was a lot of the Right Reverend of San Saba County, but if you listened carefully he said a few things in there that were flat out truths.

a) God doesn't believe in outcomes, but cares about the people that play.
gh---I think too many forget this.

b) The real key is in the work and the preparation they do
gh---again. so true. they definitely have players, but so do some other schools. they don't miss tackles, they don't miss blocks. they are always prepared
Goob":qx9s0gl5 said:
Well, as fer drones, I done thought that feller droned on a little too much...blah, blah, blah...I wuz ready to take a boat oar to hiz fat noggin and done shut him up...

Well said. I like the NFL commercial where they take out the drone with the football.
Thanks for the encouragement. The comments are interesting, entertaining and/or helpful.

NOTE: We'll be posting a correct regarding our mistake with - Please accept our apologies. Mistakes are definitely a function of small budget and moving too quickly.

We are actually talking about doing something beyond just Richland Springs, but this particular series is likely to stay focused on that one story.

The people who are on this website are obviously interested in ALL 6-man, not just one team... especially if it's not their favorite team. Our approach to focusing on this one story and taking the "Fikes heavy" approach to telling the story is intended to appeal to a much larger audience that is not following 6-man in the manner this crowd is doing. It may or may not work, but there's logic to it. It just doesn't appeal as heavily to THIS audience... cuz you guys are already "in" and engaged. So, please just know that when it doesn't float your boat, we know why and appreciate that... and appreciate you.

We've not really started marketing it to that larger audience yet for a couple of practical reasons. When we do go after the broader audience, there will need to be enough content there for them to slightly "binge watch" to get hooked. Having only a couple of shows won't allow this.

So, we've got a plan. We hope you respect it. It may or may not work.

However, when/if we add to this initiative a side-related project that specifically goes after other teams, we'll definitely get this audience involved.

For now, please watch if you can... and even if you know it's not "your cup of tea" you can still forward it to people who aren't yet 6-Man fans. We think our approach could grab people who are not susceptible to raw stats and game footage.

We'll be posting another episode soon.

Take care! And thanks again.

- MustangMatt
Just an idea but once the playoffs start maybe interviewing the team they will play as well. It would be good to see what those community's and coaches feel about being the ones trying to stop the eight.