Need a scrimmage


11-man fan
Star Tigers need an early scrimmage on the Aug 18th date. We were originally scheduled to be with Richland Springs and Coolidge, but the superintendent does not want to travel all the way to Coolidge for just a scrimmage. If anyone is having a scrimmage a little closer to Star and would not mind if we joined please email me at [email protected] or call me at 325-948-3661 and ask for Coach Townsend. Thank you for your time.
53 miles to Richland is no problem, its the 124 to Coolidge that is the problem. I would love to scrimmage with Richland but I thought they were going to Coolidge. I guess not. If Coach Burkhart or a Richland Springs coaching representative would call me and confirm where they are scrimmaging the 18th of Aug it would be good. Thanks Coach Townsend