NCAA ratings.


11-man fan
ok me and my friend argued over this soo long. ok lets use the texas and nebraska game.....if texas barely wins and the other teams win big time does texas's ranking go down because they barely won?
Depends on what you consider a factor. In something like NCAA football, you may consider home field advantage, the standard deviation of scores being smaller... all sorts of ways to look at it.<P>In my program they would probably not drop (and may increase because of a boost of defeating a highly rated team. (vegas line closed at 6, won by 2)<P>Each system is different.
the ratins are **** pure and simple.....Ohio st there right yes<P>michigan yes they should be number #2 above **** poor sc<P>SC horrible notre dame is gonna give it to em, if some other team doesn't<P>West Virgina for real ya'll these guys are good(they blow it somewhere maybe Rutgers ;)<P>Louisville ....ok they lose to WVU if not before<P>Florida....ya there ok but the reason they are ranked so high is because of auburn and florida? these teams don't deserve to be over the likes of nd and ut<P>auburn....already said got beatten BAD by arkansas ya ok the game was only 18 points w/e the got killed ok?<P>Tennese.....they lose this week next week and maybe again are you kidding me? and ainge no sir this team doesn't deserve to be above nd or UT again i know there not above ut but yanno<P>Texas....they lost to the undisputed number 1, they demolished "high and mighty OU" rolled over everyone but nebraska but it's cold lol texas don't play in the cold we can't deal with that<P>ND....they lost to michigan and they increased the bleeding when they panicked, played michigan now beat em, in south bend in ann arbor where ever nd wins a rematch(plus michigan is a good team)(<P>Ohio St. v. Michigan, Ohio St. wins this one a goes to the NC<p>[ October 31, 2006: Message edited by: DTeK1 ]
hey hey if anyone is paying attention i'm callin the entire season look i picked last nights rutgers gets louisville and wvu gets rutgers
lol i guess we'll see then wont we<P>i'm tellin u if louisville wont (or shouldn't) go into the NC there not the 2nd best team in the nation
cough cough it looks i had it again auburn went down louisville went down (texas went down didn't seeing it happening shouldn't have happened) and florida would've gone down if spurrier would pull his head outta his ****