Name The Best FB Clinic You've Been To!

Tesla Did It

11-man fan
This one's for anybody, but as an old dog first year coach in so. central TX I would like to go to some good clinic/workshops but not waste any money. Are there regularly scheduled one's or do they come and go?
? Has anyone ever heard about that Tony Franklin Program? WOW IT'S HIGH!
Are you talking sixman or 11man? Well, it doesn't matter, they are all similar. The sixman coaches clinic in Lubbock, mid-July is good. A couple others will post info pretty soon. What it boils down to is which speakers present the best material and info. And if you are serious about learning you must spend time with them one-on-one. Phone conversations and e-mails are better than nothing, but man-to-man instruction is light years better.

They may cuss my name for doing it but here is a very short list of the ones who sacrificed their time when I needed info.

Nelson Campbell
Doyle Clawson
Mitch Lee
Karry Owens
Morris Southall
Clarence Speiker
I really find it odd to have to keep pointing out that this is a 6-man website and every question I ask is about 6-man football. I threw in the word football there just in case someone was wondering if I was talking about some other 6-man sport.

The idea of talking one-on-one is a good one but I don't think you should have named names without their permission.

I know there will be clinics coming up. I want to know EXACTLY if someone got anything or at least their money's worth from a specific clinic. It's not a hard question really. No maybe's or might have's.

I'm not paying $100 to go drink beer and shoot a round of golf.
Well, forgive little ole me for caring enough to clue you in. You probably already have it all figured out. But believe me, unless they are sick in bed they would be honored to help anyone who cared enough to put out the effort to learn from their years of experience. I wouldn't name anyone who tended to evade or appear uninterested. As far as naming names, how do you think I found out about them? Didn't pull 'em out of my arss; someone pointed them out to me. Four of them are retired, and between the six of them are more than a dozen state championships.

There are good clinics in both six and elevenman, just needed to know if you had a preference.

Here's the EXACT's going to take a lot more than $100. to figure out who the best are and where to find them. You'll be a hell of a start. :roll:

By the way, what happened to that "obvious repeat"? :|
fofish":3f59k9m8 said:
This one's for anybody, but as an old dog first year coach in so. central TX I would like to go to some good clinic/workshops but not waste any money. Are there regularly scheduled one's or do they come and go?
? Has anyone ever heard about that Tony Franklin Program? WOW IT'S HIGH!

Not sure on 11 man clinics, but the sixman clinics I know of are:

Richland Springs (May)
there is another in west Texas in the spring, I forgot where
Lubbock (July; Texas Six Man Coaches Assn.)

We will have one here in Seguin on June 25th (Mitch Lee will be one of the speakers); open to both private and public school coaches. We charge around $60 a head (less if you bring multiple coaches) and feed you as well ... drop me an e-mail to [email protected] and I'll send info when it's done (sometime in March).