Holy Cross might have some trouble with Lefors...the orange team has a rather large, strong team (with one athlete who looks kind of old). He is the right age but geez, that boy is a beast. Coach Ski has a good team on his hands and they looked really good even back when we faced them in a scrimmage near the first of the season.
Well, I would love to tell you our basic D, but I have a feeling I shouldn't do that until after homecoming.

Lefors does have a big line, and I hear they look pretty good. It will be a hard fought game no doubt. But I am looking forward to it.

As for your pick cadec, no offense but I am kinda biased. I am the starting left end for Holy Cross, so my pick is gonna have to be HCCA..
so, how did yall end up doin' mustangpride??.....i went to look at score central and it wasnt there.....

and how did yall do against happy coach sanders?
Well... we lost. However, we did hold em pretty well for a while. We scored the most points on them of any team this season. I can't remember the final score.
