im new to this and have been following sixman for several years mostly tapps due to the fact that uil teams play in small towns and i live in houston so the 6 man game around hear is private schools.
two teams id love to see is livingstones. theyve been rolling through every oppenent andbut have yet to move up in the rankings i dont think there better but there pretty well matched with pine drive. a buddy of mine took me to one of there games, not great size but man those boys are disciplined some of the best defense ive ever seen in the game, pd is slightly better id say but id still love to see the matchup with lscs. there best bet is to give up the ball to brian urlacher and let him run cause i dont see the spread working for stones, from what ive seen the spread has failed for everyteam whos tried it against pd.
hope to hear some input i think lscs is top 5!