Loraine Head Girls Basketball

Coach Popham

Six-man fan
Loraine is seeking a Head Girls Basketball, Possible Head Cross-Country, Asst. Volleyball, and Asst. Spring Sport for the 2019-20 school year.

Loraine ISD is a small 1A district with approx 160 students and 36 staff members. We are located on I-20 between Abilene and Midland. We have Great Students and Staff!!

Texas Certification in 4-8 Math, Core Content, or 4-8 Generalist, PE & Health.
CDL or ability to obtain before sports season.

District pays:
$5000 above base for teaching
per sport Coaching stipends - based on positions filled.
$300 towards insurance
Possible Low Rent housing available.

Mason Kyle - HS Principal [email protected]
Jake Popham - Athletic Director [email protected]
Womack still there?
Will there be enough girls for a team? I know the school had struggled with numbers the past few years.
As far as girls athletics, we fielded all girls sports teams this year, and have no expectation that we will not be able to do so in the future.
Obviously in schools this size things happen, but as of now the numbers look good.
Our teams will be young due to the number issues that you are referring to, but we will have teams with growth potential for the right coach with the right mentality and work ethic.

If you have any further questions, my contact info is in the initial post.
Ok coach. I honestly believe coaches have seen this post. No need to continuously ttt/bump every day.
Maybe once a week would work because the more you bump it comes off you have no candidates.
Thanks for your help keeping our post on top. As far as candidates we have had several with the requisite certifications for our position. However it is my job to keep the job info out there so that we get a new basketball coach to hopefully grow and build a quality program.
My apologies for not simply posting and waiting for something to fall into my lap.
play2win":1ewsm4fg said:
This will honestly be a tough job to fill
No need to bring negativity into a job vacancy post

Loraine is a great place with outstanding facilities and some great people. From my outside perspective, a person who is committed and loves kids will do great there and have a chance to really get that program running.
tland4 - Amen, and thank you.
We are looking for an individual that can help us bring some consistency to a girls program that honestly has struggled in recent history. However, the number of students should be steadily increasing in coming years if all things stay as they are. We need a person who is committed to a vision, will build relationships, encourage our girls to get more involved in our program, strive for success, and hold our athletes accountable in all facets of their program. I do know that some people look down on our district for events that have happened in the past, but we are trying to build a program with integrity. It will not happen overnight, but we want to bring in quality people that can do great things for our students, school, and community.