Logos Prep vs. Pine Drive


11-man fan
Glad I got to Dickinson to watch this one... WOW that was it a good played ball game (other than the two kids getting ejected)..

Now that I'm settled into my motel of choice, Here's my outlook on this one.

1st Logos Prep:
These guys really came to play but just ran out of gas in the 2nd half. Injuries during the game hampered them. They ran out of gas and was never truly a factor after pine drive stopped them on downs inside the pine drive 10. I was very impressed by their defense, they were pretty determined to not to let Pine Drive 45 them.. GREAT JOB LOGOS PREP.....
#3 is a stud..

2nd Pine Drive:
Their qb/center really didn't get along all night (several bad miscues) which hampered the offense.
What I took from this game was:
1. Pine Drive has a very solid defense, FAST, THEY HIT, FAST, EXTREMELY FAST and they and did I mention THEY HIT (not tackle, THERE WAS SEVERAL HITS THAT HAD SOUND EFFECTS). #14, #11, #2, #5 brought it.
2. #9 is A STUD on offense, he basically carried Pine Drive's offense for 4 quarters before #5 finally showed up and had one game closing catch on a gutsy call by the coach (Believe it was 3rd and 9 with 4 minutes left) and PD completed a 32 yard pass that sealed the deal.
#9 looked as if he got stronger as the game went on, Had several BIG/HUGE RUNS.
My choice for player of the game.

I was really impressed by Logos but I was taken away by Pine Drive's Defense:
If pine drive can fix the following, they will be a REAL threat:
1. QB-Center exchange, counted several fumbles or miscues.
2. Hot headed kids (#11).. ejection
3. The offense sputtered at times (mainly due to qb-center) the entire 1st half.

In my opinion of what won the game,
Pine Drive made halftime adjustments (14-14 tie @ half)
came out the 2nd half an entirely different football team, MAINLY DEFENSIVELY....
I noticed Pine Drive had ALOT and I MEAN ALOT OF DEPTH....I may be wrong but I think I counted 14 kids that played. AND THEY DIDN'T MISS A BEAT ON OFFENSE OR DEFENSE.

So the game of SE Texas is ALMOST upon us
Alvin Living Stones vs. Dickinson Pine Drive:
My thoughts before I head off to bed:

1. Better Offense : Alvin Living Stones
2. Better Defense : Dickinson Pine Drive
3. BAD PENALTIES : BOTH GET DUMB PENALTIES (ejections by both teams)
4. LS Spread Back is SOLID
5. PD Running Back is SOLID
6. Special Teams : Dickinson Pine Drive
7. Coaching : from what I've seen, (one game)
LS vs. Clear Lake
PD vs. Logos Prep
- Coaching goes to PD, I was really impressed by the halftime adjustments made to hold a very good Logos Prep team to 0 second half points.
reason why I say PD has better coaching is:
LSCS coach does TOO MUCH YELLING and down grading
PDCS coach, I noticed during half time was coaching the kids, never once heard him yell at one kid.
Good point that impressed me, was when #11 got ejected, I noticed the coach went over, talked to him, put his arm around him, said a few words and it was over... THATS GREAT COACHING, Didn't make a scene at all.

This is shaping up to be a very good ball game...
I'm going to have to beg my wife to travel back from Austin to Alvin for this one

I will save my pick for the week of the game ... SO STAY TUNED... I'm off to bed
sixmanjr":3ratpfwq said:
Im guessing PD got lucky with some new tranfer kids that are pretty good

You can't have a growing school without a few transfers. I agree with Kramer. Logos is good and came to play but Coach Ware has got these young men into a great system. I think Logos will win their district if they stay healthy. And I agree #9 was player of the game. He's been at PD all 4 years of his high school and it's good to see him playing good football.

BTW. Kramer. Did you try one of the world famous PD Smoked Turkey Legs???
sixmanjr wrote:
Im guessing PD got lucky with some new tranfer kids that are pretty good....

Lucky with transfers, I LIKE THAT ONE....

Kramer made a statement that #9 is a stud (had a great ball game)...

#9 has been at Pine Drive HIS ENTIRE LIFE...... NOT A TRANSFER....

Honeslty, my transfers didn't play well