Live Scoreboard


Six-man master
I just realized there wasn't a thread to for me to share changes/issues with the live scoreboard so what better time to start one than right now.

First I want to mention that I really appreciate those of you who are already submitting scores to the live scoreboard, even if you're only submitting a final score. We will probably start phasing out using the forums for reporting final scores at some point and only use the scoreboard. While it's better for me for folks to be browsing around from page to page looking for a specific score, it's not very user friendly. I'd like to eventually have it so that all final scores are found in a single location and the live scoreboard will probably be the place for that. Still a lot of things to iron out before we're there, but we're working on it.

Now for an update...I've added options for "End 1st" and "End 3rd" on the game time. I've also set it so that the timer will reset to 10:00 when the end of a quarter or halftime are chosen.

As always, if anyone notices anything that could make this thing easier to use, please let me know. I'm all about doing whatever I can to make this site as easy to use to input, or find, data.
Great idea to move away from the final score thread. To be honest, I stopped using it this year with the addition of the live scoreboard.

I thought I wouldn't like the live scoreboard (something about nobody liking change, blah blah), but it's really great and easy to use. To your point of changes...I also update our scores via ScoreStream. They have one (just one) feature that I really like that may or may not be a good idea to look at in your down time (do you have that?). When you go to update the score they have +6, +2, and +1 buttons, to easily add scores to the total.
I never really have down But, I do dedicate some time each week to coding things on the site. I'll definitely look into adding some +6 and +2 buttons like you're talking about. There is already a + that'll add a single digit though, or at least there should be.
There is, and, I definitely use it!

Just as an FYI, I was able to add some buttons today for adding +6, +2, and +1 to the score. I'll probably remove the +1 just because there's already a button for that, but the others I think are a nice touch. Just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion.

Here's what it'll look like after I apply the update to the site. Hope it's what you had in mind.

Just as an FYI, I was able to add some buttons today for adding +6, +2, and +1 to the score. I'll probably remove the +1 just because there's already a button for that, but the others I think are a nice touch. Just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion.

Here's what it'll look like after I apply the update to the site. Hope it's what you had in mind.

View attachment 3704
Thanks for the super quick work! This looks great. I agree with your +1 button thoughts, FWIW.
Today I've made a few more changes to the live scoreboard.

The first one is that I've added a list of games that you've previously updated into the "Add score" box. If you refresh the page a lot, like me, the game you're updating can take a minute to find. Now you'll just click on that "Add score" button at the top of the page and any game you've already updated will be listed there. Please keep in mind these games will only show in this list until they're "Final". After that, we'll take them off the list.

The next change is that I've made it so that you can add a score of 0-0, just in case the defenses aren't giving up anything early in the games and you still want to provide live updates.

Here's a look at the "Add score" box, with my previously updated games listed.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 092048.jpg