June Central Texas 3 Day Summer Camp


Six-man fan
Coach Golemon, Head Coach of Bastrop Tribe, will be conducting a 3 day skills summer camp at (The Pasture) 159 Lower Red Rock Road in Bastrop Texas. The dates are Monday, June 15th, Tuesday, June 16th and Thursday, June 18th. This is a varsity only camp (14 and older) and registration will start at 6:00pm with the camp running between 6:30-9:00 each night. The cost is $50 for all three days or $20 per day.

Please encourage your players to register at https://forms.gle/hsA8HTgTkQ4u6ACB6 but payments are accepted the day(s) of the camp.

The camp will be combination of offense, defense and special team drills along with footwork. The goal is to provide an opportunity for players to 'knock the rust off" and start the process of getting ready for the fall. Coaches are encouraged to attend and please contact Coach Golemon if you have the ability to assist (512-695-2718) or [email protected]