Jayton (1 of 4 teams) left in DII


11-man fan
It’s interesting to me that this small school in DII football is one of 4 teams left in football for this year and there has not been any recognition given to these young men. No, they are not your top powerhouse teams, but there is not a team in the state that gets this far in their season without having to work hard at it. These 11 boys along with their coaches have worked hard this season and have played hard. Regardless, they deserve some recognition for their hardwork and successful season thus far. And this week they have already been picked to be 45’d. by Follett. Win or lose, Jaybirds, you have many fans who are extremely proud of you guys and your successful football season. Go play hard this week and surprise many sixman followers, as you have already done several times this playoff season.
I agree they have been underrated and I do think it is because what you said about not being a powerhouse but I have them picked to win a close game, they kind of remind me of Jonesboro from last year. I’m a fan for sure
Jayton has flown under the radar all year long but they are finding a way week in and week out to continue to get the job done. I personally don’t know a whole lot about Jayton but to make it to the semis you have to be a heck of a ball club. Congratulations to every player and coach from Jayton and good luck this Friday night.
All I can say is follett better bring their "A" game... we didn't, and we are bouncing the basketball! Jayton is not flashy, but what they do, they do really well. My hat is off to them!
I still don't understand why people get so upset over the spreads. A. It's just a number B. It's done by a computer, not a human and C. It's not the job of this site to recognize your team. That being said, cudos on your passion for your team! The Jayton Jaybirds are a team that should never be overlooked. They have a great coaching staff and great kids. Good luck to them this week!