Rankin, Ira, Trock, and Valley clearly the top 4 in D1, any one of these match ups could be the top two teams in the state any given Friday night, any other team is a clear 20 to 45 point underdog to any of these teams, games like this should be a coaches nightmare early in the season, the only thing in all of sports harder than beating a team that is as good as your team once, is beating them twice!! However it plays out and however the brackets are drawn up these four teams will be matched up in two games however the cards fall in the play offs at some point that's for sure!!
ira vs rankin will be different match up this year considering ira has no one to stop the running game like deluna did for them last year. rankin also a much stronger and bigger team. rankin by 12
Dont count Ira out just yet. Guess u havnt seen Ira play ball this season. Yes Ira is young but very displined they are going to be a force to be reconed with for many seasons to come. All I can say is Rankin get ready to play some ball because Ira is. Good luck to both teams, Ira takes the win
Rankin will be hungry for revenge from the last FEW seasons Ira took away a W from them. Both teams will have to put all the cards on the table for this match up, should be the best game of the regular season ! Rankin by 12 !