Interesting Nebraska editorial on school thinking of change


Six-man expert
Pitching with Pritch
A tough decision looms ahead
By Larry Pritchett
Past PCHS activities director

This past week there were some articles here in the Tribune discussing the thought about moving to eight-man football at Perkins County High School. No doubt that is a big decision to have to make for any school at any time.
High school sports in Nebraska or any state is a game of numbers. The more numbers you have the possibilities of finding better players should improve. But even schools that have numbers when placed in a class with schools with more numbers are at a disadvantage.

LINK for the rest of the article
This article brought back some good memories of growing up in that area. We went 0-4 against the PCHS Plainsmen when I was in high school - they always had a kid or two every 4 years that ended up playing for the Huskers (the Terwilliger twins are who I remember the most). They have a very rich 11-man tradition, so his comments about 6-man were cool to read. It's too bad that rural America is facing this problem of decline - but it's a problem throughout the Great Plains, not just Texas.
That is why I found it so interesting. Obviously this is something many small towns are coming face to face with. This area obviously has a very rich 11-man football tradition. The author is also a former coach and administrator who knows the importance of football within the community, but also what being able to compete means. Yes, he would prefer to stay 11-man, but understands if they must select to play 8-man.