Immanuel Knights, Giddings Texas New Jr. High Team


11-man fan
Our AD is now scheduling games for the 2012/2013 school year. We do not have a home field this year so we are looking for all away games. To everyone on who helped me gather info and sent DVD’s, Thanks!
If you would like to schedule a game, post reply with your contact info and field location. We currently have four games scheduled, Coupland X 2, Allen Academy, McDade, and are looking for four to six more.
Welcome aboard ... and you know, I didn't know about McDade playing six man ball. By the way, an 11 man field can easily be accomodated for six man.

When we started, we rented a nearby public 11 man field. The AD/HFC at that school just ran lines about 7-1/2 feet inside the 11 man lines using another color of field paint. We just set up the yard markers using the 11-man 50 as the 40 and went from there. We just moved up 10 yards for PAT's and FG's.

Maybe you can find a public park or public school field that would give you a good deal to rent their field and play a home game or two.
Dogface":2hkqj7fm said:
McDade is a K-8.

I know, dog ... the K-8 schools (especially private schools) are hard to identify. Just a couple months ago, somebody let me in on that there were about 6 Catholic schools in Houston that had set up a six-man league; even some of the folks playing six-man in Houston didn't know about them.
lifegatesports":1vqy8cun said:
Dogface":1vqy8cun said:
McDade is a K-8.

I know, dog ... the K-8 schools (especially private schools) are hard to identify. Just a couple months ago, somebody let me in on that there were about 6 Catholic schools in Houston that had set up a six-man league; even some of the folks playing six-man in Houston didn't know about them.
You are like our 6man detective!!!
If they're 6man,
and out there,
you'll find em'!

I like that about chu'!
Dogface":2on56g53 said:
You are like our 6man detective!!!
If they're 6man,
and out there,
you'll find em'!

I like that about chu'!

I was gonna start driving around, checking out playgrounds at middle schools, but I was told that various police agencies frown on that sort of thing.
lifegatesports":3ej2867o said:
Dogface":3ej2867o said:
You are like our 6man detective!!!
If they're 6man,
and out there,
you'll find em'!

I like that about chu'!

I was gonna start driving around, checking out playgrounds at middle schools, but I was told that various police agencies frown on that sort of thing.
That might arose suspicion among parents & cops....