Houston Texas playing this week?

Box Dad

11-man fan
If they are healthy I don't see Livingstones beating them by 45 as the prediction say. Makes sense that in D2 we rest a lot more on a few players then the bigger schools. Like is #11 on LS back?
Bummer. Thanks for the updates. Everyone get healthy so that when someone wins there is no excuses or what ifs. That really is to bad in this league to see players go down.
Box Dad,

Yes Alvin Living Stones & Houston Texas Christian did play on Saturday.
Final score was 57-12 Living Stones over Texas Christian.

I do think they (HTC) will play their remaining games.
Odd thing is, vs. Pine Drive they had a few kids miss a day of school & practice, so they had to cancel their game vs. PDCS.
HTC policy (according to their coach) is.. If they miss practice, they don't play in the upcoming game.

Only question I have is:
I wonder if HTC would've canceled vs. PD if those same kids would've missed a day of school and practice AND IF:
Texas Christian was 4-0, leading the district and playing for a district title and Pine Drive was the 0-4 team.

My bet is,
Those kids that missed practice would've played and they would've been going to the playoffs..

Wow didn't know why they canceled. I understand that Bellville Faith is short of players.

Isn't this the same school (Houston Texas Christian) that used some college kids a few years back to play in a ball game.

If so,
Maybe he should of driven down to U-of-H and borrowed some kids off of the Cougar Practice squad.

If that is the reason why Houston Texas Christian forfeited a game, THAT'S SAD... If I were a parent of that school (team)..
I'd be asking for my football athletic refund fee.

Just me thinking,
If this is true, So the Houston Texas Christian coach just basically said...

As a retired coach, I find that VERY UN-ETHICAL... But then again, this is the same guy who pulled college kids for a hs game ......

I think TAPPS/T-CAL/T-CAF should start setting fines at $500 a cancellation for district games (unless you have injuries).

I think someone was ducking someone in this one.
I for one respect their school/athletic policy on absences and missed practices.

Now Kramer,
I am with you....
They must have one heck of a perfect attendance record going on over there. I think the NCAA Compliance Directors need to follow HTC's Policy and that way, The NCAA won't have so many kids cutting classes during their tenure at college.

In my world-
I've been coaching for 15 yrs and I've never had any athletic season where ALL my athletes make it to school every day (perfect attendance) or even every practice day.

days come up like, illnesses, drivers ed, sports injury doing rehab, dr's. appt, too much home-work, baby sitting, grounded so I can't come to practice, etc.....
Coach Ware":27zqc634 said:
I for one respect their school/athletic policy on absences and missed practices.

In my world-
I've been coaching for 15 yrs and I've never had any athletic season where ALL my athletes make it to school every day (perfect attendance) or even every practice day.

days come up like, illnesses, drivers ed, sports injury doing rehab, dr's. appt, too much home-work, baby sitting, grounded so I can't come to practice, etc.....

Especially in this world ... any coach who expects 100% of his kids at every practice is smokin' cigs that don't come in packs of 20. But I think most, if not all, coaches would expect every one of his kids to let him know in advance of those conflicts in advance ... and most kids who are serious about being a member of a TEAM will try to minimize those conflicts as much as they (and their parents can).

And as for that issue concerning HTC ... it was (now) six years ago. He's done his time, he's apologized for it (including a personal apology to me, which he really didn't owe me), and it's time to move on. That horse has been ridden into the ground.

TAPPS is requiring ALL VARSITY FOOTBALL games starting in 2012 (district AND non-district) to be scheduled in the form of a written contract with cancellation penalties. I think most of us are forgiving enough to know that "stuff happens," especially injuries and significant inclement weather (beyond a few errant raindrops). My usual expectation is that the cancelling team will reimburse my school for officials (if a home game) as it may be difficult for those officials to find another game AND as I've been told, if the game is cancelled AND they are paid, they will receive credit for callling that game by their officials organization (which helps in future assignments).

I know of at least one school who had this "well, we'll try to field a team, but won't know until August" song-and-dance. The district reminded them they had a $1000 cancellation penalty for any district game (home or away) and if they wanted to play, they'd have to abide by that penalty. When they considered a possible $5000 payout if they couldn't field a team, they decided that they weren't just ready yet. Of course, my old friend Jamie Walker at West Columbia Christian had the best rule -- he would never schedule a new school or put them on his district schedule (he was a somewhat benign dictator over any district he was in...) until he saw their football equipment in their school (although he did soften for us ... I only had to show him the invoice).
Coach Ware":2e1x8jy4 said:
Yes Alvin Living Stones & Houston Texas Christian did play on Saturday.
Final score was 57-12 Living Stones over Texas Christian.

That score looks somewhat familiar to a Friday night game that I had to endure.

Good HTC played this week. I can't imagine anyone giving up a chance to play their schedule because they had a fairly clear idea that they would receive a beating, who knows?
I am a Parent of one of the Texas Christian players. TC played a good first half against Livingstones the halftime score was TC 12 Livingstones 26 I believe.

The game against pine drive was cancelled because they did not have enough players to play. TC has 9 players my son said they had 2 players that failed and couldnt play. that is a TAPPS rule and a school rule. Also that same week one player I guess didnt come to practice all week just because he didnt want to no other reason so the coaches said he could not play which I totally agree with. They planned on playing the game with just 6 players but friday one of the players went home throwing up so they were down to 5 players.

TC will play the rest of their games they have two left one against emery and one against bellville who has had to cancel a few games as well because of their low numbers.
TCFOTBALL":19zwidjt said:
I am a Parent of one of the Texas Christian players. TC played a good first half against Livingstones the halftime score was TC 12 Livingstones 26 I believe.

The game against pine drive was cancelled because they did not have enough players to play. TC has 9 players my son said they had 2 players that failed and couldnt play. that is a TAPPS rule and a school rule. Also that same week one player I guess didnt come to practice all week just because he didnt want to no other reason so the coaches said he could not play which I totally agree with. They planned on playing the game with just 6 players but friday one of the players went home throwing up so they were down to 5 players.

TC will play the rest of their games they have two left one against emery and one against
bellville who has had to cancel a few games as well because of their low numbers.

Thanks for the clarification.

TAPPS does not have a no-pass, no-play rule. You can fail one of your four core classes and remain eligible UNLESS your school has a stricter rule which would be the operative rule.

If your school's rule requires that you be passing all courses to be eligible (which I think may be the rule rather than the exception among TAPPS schools), you can't "fall back" to the TAPPS rule when it suits your purposes. Which is the way it should be.
Well I am a huge fan of no pass no play. Has to be education first before sports. But I have learned that when you have a good group of boys that they strive a little more to pass so that they can still play. Just depends on the kids and how pationate they are about the game.
Panther20":13gvktw8 said:
Well I am a huge fan of no pass no play. Has to be education first before sports. But I have learned that when you have a good group of boys that they strive a little more to pass so that they can still play. Just depends on the kids and how pationate they are about the game.

Couple of stories ... when I first became AD at Lifegate (2001), we went by the TAPPS rule. I called it the "one free flunk" rule because some kids were willing to flunk a class anyway because they would be eligible. In fact, my wife (who taught math at Lifegate at the time) told me she was told by some of her students that they weren't worried about flunking her course because they were still eligible. When we had a change in Principal a couple years later, we adopted the no-pass, no-play rule.

As a coach or AD (especially as AD if your coaches are not teachers at your school), it is important to have a "grade check" mechanism in place. When we didn't, we'd get suprises ... Joey is flunking and grades come out on Friday (in fact, one time it was a kid flunking Bible class...how do you flunk a Bible class in a Christian school...answer is don't do the assignments). You need to track how kids are doing and have an early warning system to flag those kids who need to focus on their studies.

Also, do not discount the power of your "team leaders" to help motivate those kids who are in danger of being ineligible for grades. While you don't want to be disclosing that Fred has a 62 in Science to another student, perhaps your team leaders can work with Fred -- in some cases, doing some student-to-student tutoring. It's kinda an issue of Fred, we need you Friday night. Let's help you be there.