Hedley Open Dates

Need scrimmage on October 26 for girls

Need girls game on Nov. 5 for girls

Need girls game on Nov. 8 for girls

Need girls game on Nov. 12 for girls

Need girls and possibly boys game on Nov. 15

Need girls and boys game on Dec. 16

Need boys tournament anytime except Dec. 5 thru 7th.

May need more, but if someone can help on these would appreciate it.

Contact me by PM or at Hedley - coach Jack Shely - 806-856-5323
A little better, but sure wish someone could help out on these dates.

Oct. 26
Nov. 5 Not a sure thing, but trying to keep options open These are girls only
Nov. 8
Dec. 10 The last two are boys and girls.
Dec. 17


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