Head Girls Basketball Coach / Teacher

Coach Cooley

Six-man fan
Bluff Dale is currently accepting applications to fill Head Girls Basketball Coach / Teacher for 25-26 academic school year.

Bluff Dale is a growing rural school between Stephenville and Granbury (both within commuting distance). Great administrators, students, & community. Looking for high-energy coach to steer our girl's program in the right direction.

Please send your resume and a letter of interest to [email protected], Superintendent Jason Wells.

Commitment: Full Time (187 days of duty)
Description: Teacher (teaching field open) and Head Girls Basketball Coach & assistant coach in other sports
Qualifications: Valid Texas Teacher Certification
Salary Range: Per local salary schedule (teacher salary schedule + coaching stipend schedule)
Benefits: District pays portion of health insurance and provides a cafeteria plan for other options such as
dental and vision

Coaching Possibilities:

Head XC
Assistant Football
Head Girl's Basketball
Head Spring Sport (Track, Golf, Softball)

Application: https://www.bdisd.net/501279_3

Please send the completed application and resume to:

Athletic Director: Jeff Fitch, [email protected]
Principal: Jennifer Pair, [email protected]
Superintendent: Jason Wells, [email protected]

For questions contact Coach Cooley at 806-632-2956.