Happy Hill vs Pine Drive


11-man fan
Here's an interesting tidbit that has been brought to light regarding the Happy Hill vs. Pine Drive game: It seems that Happy Hill's football coach hasn't been forthcoming in sharing a complete set of game film with the Pine Drive Coach (Wayne Ware) despite an agreement to do so and despite having Ware's complete cooperation and follow-through. If my sources are correct, then that's just a shame. If true, perhaps the HH coach thinks that's the best way to get a win out of Pine Drive--keep 'em in the dark. Or maybe folks just get desperate for a play-off win, no matter what the cost to his/her integrity? Either way, it doesn't do much to teach either team's boys about Godly competition and honesty. Whether this is true or not, I sincerely wish Pine Drive the best of luck...get 'em boys.
I have also heard this rumor. If it is really true, I hope it was just a misunderstanding and that it all gets ironed out before the game. I think it's only right and just that both sides have the same opportunity to adequately prepare for facing off against one another. I know who I'm pulling for...Go PD!!!
The text I got from Coach W when I asked about this stated:

I got 1 qtr of the S-Lifegate vs. G-HH game, Score was 20-0 when the dvd ended.
also, WF ND game showed 3 scores by WFND & 2 scores by G-HH. With alot of editing out of plays.

Does Tapps have any rule or is this just a gentleman's agreement w/ honesty
Section 138.6 reads as follows (capitalization is in the rules):

Schools in the football play-offs are REQUIRED to exchange 3 quality tapes with their opponent (recipient’s choice)
a. No later than 10:00am on Monday, before a Friday Game.
b. Videotaping/ Filming by Individuals. Any individual taping or filming must have permission from the schools involved in the contest and may not ob-struct the view of other spectators of the contest.
c. Commercial Uses. Use of the films or tapes for commercial purposes must be approved by all schools involved in the contest.

I understand this has been a problem this playoff season. I think the Athletic Executive Committee needs to address this problem AND add a possible sanction for failure to comply ... one could be the loss of a home playoff game the following season.

Please, coaches, if you have abided by this rule AND DID NOT get films as required by rule, please send a note to the TAPPS office letting them know of this.

I've had excuses in past years that go from (1) My secretary was supposed to send the film out yesterday (the day before ... the day before that) but I guess she hasn't gotten around to it (hey, how many small private schools can afford an "athletic secretary"?-- and if he's/she's so incompetent that she/he can't figure how to overnight mail a couple stinkin' DVD's why do you pay the person?); (2) I mailed it to you but I didn't put enough postage on it so we got it back; (3) I sent it by overnight mail four days ago but don't remember a. the shipper I used or b. the tracking number, so I can't find out where it is, but I'm sure you'll get it tomorrow or the next day or the day after that; or (4) I forgot your address.

Oh, and I like this story -- of course, coach, I won't watch your films (that you did send to me) until I get your films. That's "honey, I'll still respect you in the morning" if I ever heard one...

All of them sound like somebody's peeing on my foot and trying to tell me it's raining.

But whadda I know.
The obvious answer would also be to upload the film as a private you tube film or to a server. If you cant find someone who is capable of doing that these days then we are not educating our kids so well.
Can you get video from some of there opponents?
And as far as videos go, I'de love to see this one....
lifegatesports":1uiq1oec said:
All of them sound like somebody's peeing on my foot and trying to tell me it's raining.
That would go viral!
Box Dad":17hn27za said:
The obvious answer would also be to upload the film as a private you tube film or to a server.

I somehow vaguely remember sitting in on a presentation at a TAPPS meeting several years ago about a vendor who was providing such a service to host videos (you'd only get videos once you loaded yours and they would be released to the other school at that time).

Forgot the name/site of the vendor, though.

I'm gonna move this one over to TAPPS D2 Topics.
We use Hudl. It's the best thing we purchased in years. A lot of advantages for cutting, online viewing for our athletes, etc. And if you can share video for film exchange from team to team with total control of access. The only issue is you must have an account for this options. Cost is $800 a season but well worth it. We did a fundraiser.

Good luck to both teams.

Coach Harris
Here's my one post for the year. In support of the PD players and coaches, Lifegate did not receive film from Happy Hill until, I think, Thursday afternoon. We traveled rather than practice on Friday, so a lot of good it did us. We did find some low quality film on the internet, for what it's worth. We let it go, but if it happened two weeks in a row, well, that just is a shame. I suspect the same guy was responsible for sending the film and mowing the grass, neither of which got done!! For the record, (a) I don't think it would have made any difference in our game, (b) I don't know if it would have made a difference for PD, but I suspect that it may have, and (c) I know Freddy doesn't need any film to beat HH and (d) I hope they do, not because of the film thing, but because they are a classy bunch of boys, classy bunch of coaches and they are from our District. Ok, I'm going back to lurking. Flame me if you like.