Groom in Sports Illustrated


Six-man expert
Groom is mentioned in the chart for running the dribble drive motion offense that Memphis runs in the new SI I got today... i will look to see if it is online
I'm really curious to find out how in-depth SI checked out the list.

Like did they call every team from AAU and high school on up and have some staffer ask,

"Coach, This is [insert name here], I'm an editorial intern for Sports Illustrated. Do you use the 'Dribble-Drive Motion offense'?"

"Okay, thanks Coach. By the way, the swimsuit issue is out next week. Is your subscription up to date?"

Nah, They probably grabbed a couple attendance lists from some coaching clinics.

PS ... here's the link for the swimsuit issue for those of us who try to keep up-to-date on fashion trends:
Actually Grant Wahl asked for anyone who was running it to email him their school and location in his weekly column on They may have had other ways, but that is where I saw it.

Grant Wahl is a great basketball writer and does his homework. I got to hear Calipari from Memphis speak on this offense two years ago and it was very interesting.
Grant Wahl emailed me about the offense. I had contacted Coach Walberg about the offense, so he gave Grant Wahl the email address. He asked some questions about how much we use it, do we know of any other coaches using this offense, etc.
I thought he did a good job with the article. Based on his contact with me, he did a lot of leg work to get the information on what teams use it. It is by no means about Groom High School, but it was kind of cool for Groom to be a push pin on a map in SI.

And for the record, he didn't push me to subscribe, nor did I get a free swimsuit issue.
Coach_Matt - do you run that simply against man or do you run parts of it against zone also? We have run parts of it - more last year than this - and I have always wondered if some coaches had tweaked it into a zone offense.

We see only zone around here - in our immediate area only Reagan Co., Grady and us play straight man.