Great Seasons

Don't worry about it R&G, no big deal. He knows what I'm talkin about. Me and him had that conversation going back almost twenty years.
His time is coming, and he knows it. And he wants the best shot possible.
I need to clarify myself. I truly believe the guys at Rochelle deserve to be selected as their region's Coach of the Year. Whomever has a season like the one they enjoyed this year is deserving. Yes, there are many super coaches all over that region, but it is the Hornets who came out on top and that is the main requirement for being nominated.
There are good men, fine leaders, professional teachers at many programs, I know. Being named all-regional means you are the best at a particular time and therefore have earned that title. That's my heart-felt position thru and thru.

When I comment about most things my motive is to clarify how football programs should follow the lead of the most successful programs and coaches. My football education was built at RS under Doyle Clawson. But I like to see how others work like Gordon, Whitharral, PC, Strawn and Calvert. Before I moved to six-man I heard lots of 11-man coaches directly and indirectly describe how and why they didn't take our brand of football seriously. True, the limited players involved had a part to play in their bias, but the overwhelming knock was based on their belief that six-man programs did not employ traditional and proven strategies for developing good programs. That most of us simply "rolled the ball out", or played "hully-gully" street ball, so to speak. Most of that criticism was based on ignorance. Some of it was earned by us.

Today, more than ever there are solid six-man football programs who do much the same things that successful programs like Stephenville and Lake Travis do. They develop strength at every possible opportunity, provide the best equipment, study the best programs, all the while sharing the same athletes with other sports and endeavors like FFA, UIL, basketball and baseball.
Not everyone can learn under a Clawson, Campbell, Lee, Lee or Jones. And I love Clawson and give him much credit for my education, but he rarely set me down and drew me a picture of how his mind worked. He knew it was up to me to feed myself on the job while observing him. I almost took it personal that he did not do that. Then I realized he believed that the best way to acquire and keep football knowledge was thru my own efforts and time spent.
When I called him in 2000 and asked him for assistance, his response surprised me. He said that I should drive down to RS and watch his practices and speak with him directly. So I went down three times over the next six months. I also watched Nelson Campbell and Mitch Lee's practices. It all worked together in helping me organize a plan. Saved me years on the learning curve.
Hornet Nation":cjwjk9yw said:
I'm sure your were at the Rochelle/Zephyr game as was I. Not sure why you are complaining, Hornets were up 26-0 at one point and had control of the game. The kickoff return and long touchdown we gave up with a few seconds left in 2nd quarter was a game changer. We were stopped twice inside the 10, missed all of our extra points besides the two we passed for, and fumbled inside our own endzone. Momentum is a serious thing, Zephyr took it and ran with it end of story. Please just support the Hornets, they have done something this year that will never be forgotten and should be praised for what they have accomplished. Hopefully, it does not take 91 more years to see it again. Congratulations Rochelle on a great season, and good luck to Zephyr and Abbott as they fight for a shot at a state championship.

I was present and I'm well aware of what happened....I would say exactly what your saying about how the game went.. PAT'S ...TURNOVERS....MOMENTUM.....THAT'S WAS THE DIFFERENCE

Shad Kline":1jggsd7g said:
I feel that if it is safe to do so.... Game on! I don't care if you have to swim across the goal line, there should never be a reschedule for just rain, unless it's so much it presents an unsafe condition. Both teams played on the same field, both sidelines were just as wet, or hot, or cold, or windy, whatever. Yes, your team may have won in better conditions, but the great teams find a way to win no matter the conditions. All I can say is want it more and be willing to swim across the goal line if that is what it takes. Or enjoy the dryness of the gym..... Your choice!
I agree....except for the last statement. This brought back the memory of a Jr. High basketball game in the Pearl gym that literally got rained out because of a leaky roof.
On second thought I agree with the last statement as well.
I agree all the teams in playoffs last week, were very great and had very amazing seasons. But to blame some of the losses on the weather is ridiculous! The games in my area. JB vs RS @ Early. To be honest I didn't think JB had a chance till I heard they beat a high ranked Calvert. But RS is really good this year! Possibly another state championship team. No matter the weather I think RS was going to pull this off. Rochelle vs Zephyr @ Hamilton Okay if you didn't hear how the game went Rochelle came out very hot!! Putting up 26-0 in the very few minutes of the first quarter. So now you ask yourself if weather was the problem?? I don't think so, I think Zephyr came out a little sluggish, something they WILL have to fix before Abbott! But I think to beat Rochelle one you have to stop their speeding run game, then contain the very talented spread back. Which Zephyr did do in the second half. That game was very cold and wet. I think it came down to who wanted it more. And I don't think Rochelle had enough gas in the tank to finish. Another reason you can't blame the weather. The game they played Monday Happy vs BC, BC beat Happy and Happy in my eyes was going to be the state contender. I do give BC a lot of respect, and I do think they will be in Abilene in a couple of weeks but how did they shut out Happy?
Were you at the Rochelle/Zephyr game? If you have seen Rochelle play this year, which I have on a couple occasions you would know that they throw the ball ALOT! Weather obviously effected that in a big way. Rochelle seemed to adjust well running the ball and put up big numbers on the ground....but to say Zephyr contained Rochelle in the 2nd half would be false, Rochelle moved up and down the field at will. Turnovers and penalties killed all but 1 or 2 2nd half drives for them. Not taking anything away from Zephyr but clearly if you watched the game the weather had a huge impact. Also I didnt see anyone "running out of gas".

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