Great Seasons


11-man fan
Congratulations on a history making season to the Rochelle Hornets...I really wish as do the Balmorhea, Jonesboro and Milford fans that we could play tonight's games on Monday like the rest of the teams chose to do...all 4 teams picked to win, lost....and I feel like those coaches should have chose to move their games to give their teams the best chance to win especially if they rely on spread formations and speed/passing...However it was a fair and equally miserable environment for all 6 teams playing....I just would rather see these games decided in better conditions...oh well.....Congrats to Abbott. ...Zephyr...B.Vista.and Richland Springs...

And Kudos to The decision makers from BC,Happy,GC,Crowell,Guthrie,and Motley County
.. for being wise and open minded....and not wanting to play such important games in weather that could possibly influence the outcome.

Also before anyone says anything about sour grapes or sore @$$....please understand that's not the case....I was telling people yesterday that all these teams should move there games it's just too big of a unpredictable factor when you play in straight down rain and 30 degree temperatures ....for the kids sake move the games let them fight it out in best possible situations...



Hold your heads high...
quit crying. If your team would have won you would have a totally different opinion.Your kids and coaches also would have had three extra days to rest and prepare for their next opponent. You should know if you get this far in the season the conditions will be less than ideal. In my opinion, I would have thought the weather conditions would have greatly favored Jonesboro in their game.
The discussion between perfect conditions and the conditions at hand will never end. Football to many is a game meant to be played in the elements. A good team is well-rounded and can play in the sizzle of early September and the cold, wet November/ December nights. I prefer football in the elements.
You both make good argument points but this age old question has its good and bad for change of venue, but the truth is the game will always have the elements as a part of it.
Sure the losing team will say it sucks to play in the conditions the winner says we both had to play in them, there's no end to the argument
tx6man4life":2bo8cgy2 said:
...I really wish as do the Balmorhea, Jonesboro and Milford fans that we could play tonight's games on Monday like the rest of the teams chose to do...all 4 teams picked to win, lost....and I feel like those coaches should have chose to move their games to give their teams the best chance to win especially if they rely on spread formations and speed/passing...

tx6man4life, I believe that it would be better if you knew what you were talking about before you post. Both coaches have to agree to change a date. Do you know how hard it is to get coaches to agree on something in the playoffs? Also, I think if you look a little deeper at Buena Vista, they run more spread than Balmorhea. And everyone knows that Jonesboro runs mostly a tight power type offense. Just fyi.
And, what are you going to say if one of your picks loses on Monday? That they should have played on Friday?
To move a game to monday you have to have approval from UIL. The only way they allow this to happen is with unsafe conditions (icy roads, lightening, etc). So before you call out a coaches "decision" know what your talking about!
What were the unsafe condition where the other teams were scheduled to play??? Did they have icy conditions or lightning where the other games were rescheduled?

I don't know everything these are opinions/discussions...I seen people on here asking a day or 2 before the game about rescheduling...

oldfat&bald":2wvjig4k said:

This shows driving conditions this morning. They were as bad last night. The only playoff town without warnings about ice was Garden City. Would you have preferred to get up this morning reading about a bus turning over and members of a team in the hospital or dead? If it had just been wet, these teams would have played.

old fat bald

Of course I would not want that...

But this warning is for Sunday morning....were their games scheduled for Sunday or Friday night?

Was there a icy roads warning issued ahead of time for Friday night? Or just high rain and storm chances?
We have had ice in the Panhandle and South Plains since Thursday night. The roads have been nothing but a sheet of ice an inch plus thick for the whole weekend. It has finally started to melt off today and with temperatures warming tomorrow, all the teams should be able to safely travel. Only a couple of teams played this weekend from all divisions. Canadian played on Thursday afternoon and just barely beat the freezing rain home. Perryton played Friday night in Vernon but the school bused their team down on Thursday afternoon. The coaches who changed their games made the right decisions for sure.

As far as the elements, it's just part of the game. I know that it has been difficult for some athletes from the Panhandle area to make an adjustment to the elements that Austin has to offer in May for track. It is dry up here in the northern country and way humid in Austin. It is hard for some kids to make the adjustment. Also the cross country state meet this year was anything but favorable with extremely muddy conditions and streams to run through or jump over. I saw several kids slip and fall down because of the mud, my son included. I heard, but never confirmed, that one young lady broke her ankle while competing at the meet. By far, less than favorable. There was plenty of asphalt around for the kids to run on, but then it wouldn't have been actual cross country. Is it fair? For sure! No matter what the elements, they all have to endure and either overcome the elements or let the elements overcome them.
I agree with all of was fair and not favorable....congrats to all who came on top and to all still playing....and to all who didn't let's work on those layups and free throws....
tx6man4life":2e8blyyz said:
I agree with all of was fair and not favorable....congrats to all who came on top and to all still playing....and to all who didn't let's work on those layups and free throws....

I hear basketball is all the rage at this time.
Mexican Englishman":ovjwogfg said:
quit crying. If your team would have won you would have a totally different opinion.Your kids and coaches also would have had three extra days to rest and prepare for their next opponent. You should know if you get this far in the season the conditions will be less than ideal. In my opinion, I would have thought the weather conditions would have greatly favored Jonesboro in their game.

On the commit of, "I would have thought the weather conditions would have greatly favored Jonesboro".
I have seen where a few people has made that same statement. Based on what??? Why do you think that?
It is based on that they are a run heavy team that stays in the tight set on offense. I thought they would be able to control the line of scrimmage with their size and be able to slow the game down on offense. Usually in bad weather games that is how it works. Example Abbott vs. Milford game. Obviously in this game things were different.
I feel that if it is safe to do so.... Game on! I don't care if you have to swim across the goal line, there should never be a reschedule for just rain, unless it's so much it presents an unsafe condition. Both teams played on the same field, both sidelines were just as wet, or hot, or cold, or windy, whatever. Yes, your team may have won in better conditions, but the great teams find a way to win no matter the conditions. All I can say is want it more and be willing to swim across the goal line if that is what it takes. Or enjoy the dryness of the gym..... Your choice!
That's a fine how do you do to someone voicing an opinion, isn't it tx6manforlife. Many people call this website I see why. I hope those shooting you down so mercilessly aren't from Rochelle. If they knew how close you might be to transferring your stud next door, they might tone down their attacks.

Hang in there. You are understandably disappointed by the loss to Zephyr. But I believe more good seasons are just around the corner for the Hornets. Keep that man-child of yours humble and hungry...don't let outside influences lure your eyes away. I still believe positive change can happen anywhere someone is searching for the truth. You may be the catalyst for building and maintaining a second to none sports program. It starts with one or two, and your family has at least that number.

Put this in your book of controversial wisdom...most people choose to be second best by their every day choices and inflexible habits. The rollercoaster to being the best ain't smooth, but when you find it it is very enjoyable. What a ride!
I'm sure your were at the Rochelle/Zephyr game as was I. Not sure why you are complaining, Hornets were up 26-0 at one point and had control of the game. The kickoff return and long touchdown we gave up with a few seconds left in 2nd quarter was a game changer. We were stopped twice inside the 10, missed all of our extra points besides the two we passed for, and fumbled inside our own endzone. Momentum is a serious thing, Zephyr took it and ran with it end of story. Please just support the Hornets, they have done something this year that will never be forgotten and should be praised for what they have accomplished. Hopefully, it does not take 91 more years to see it again. Congratulations Rochelle on a great season, and good luck to Zephyr and Abbott as they fight for a shot at a state championship.