Goob's points to done go and ponder Vol. 3

Yer talkin real rocks, not just hard dirt clods that will break up if you hit someone hard enought with one? Ouch! Yeah I got attacked by a couple of real rock chunkers at about 11-12. Hurts. Went & got a couple of friends & we went huntin. Dodgeball it aint.
I kind of enjoy throwing, & getting hit with rocks- if we're speaking metaphorically. Real rocks - I don't throw those. Folks tend to throw them back & they hurt.
Smoke, I done knowd thiz: Thare iz far more wimmen in thiz world than thare iz men. Cuz when yew done account fer them fellers who done ride sidesaddle, and then them fellers who iz metrosexual (which in my day wuz called a candyhindend), and then them fellers who bluster up like they iz feller, but in secret play with Barbies, yew iz down to bout 3% who iz male.
CowboyP":3tzi7cqj said:
I kind of enjoy throwing, & getting hit with rocks- if we're speaking metaphorically. Real rocks - I don't throw those. Folks tend to throw them back & they hurt.
In a way,
you kinda threw a rock recently.
Dogface":3dedxq7l said:
CowboyP":3dedxq7l said:
I kind of enjoy throwing, & getting hit with rocks- if we're speaking metaphorically. Real rocks - I don't throw those. Folks tend to throw them back & they hurt.
In a way,
you kinda threw a rock recently.
Dogbreath, I hope you get a BIG stone soon.
Dogface":hmvct2m6 said:
CowboyP":hmvct2m6 said:
I kind of enjoy throwing, & getting hit with rocks- if we're speaking metaphorically. Real rocks - I don't throw those. Folks tend to throw them back & they hurt.
In a way,
you kinda threw a rock recently.
Now that's just funny as hades right there! Lolol!!!
Well, havin' chunk'd rocks intentionally and not (meta-phorciaphlly speakin) I don't like getin hit either way but ya get what ya give is what you get & the truth sometimes hurts.
51eleven":1857q2kg said:
Well, havin' chunk'd rocks intentionally and not (meta-phorciaphlly speakin) I don't like getin hit either way but ya get what ya give is what you get & the truth sometimes hurts.
Even if it hurts, I'd rather have the truth than a lie.