Doubtful about HOME SCHOOL


Six-man fan
Concerning home schooling, I wonder what the 6 Man team's day is like during football season? One hour of academics and 6 hours of football practice? My daughter tried home schooling with her kids, and it worked somewhat, but she finally gave it up and put her kids back in "real" school. Some parents, if not happy with the way a school is run, will say "Well I am just going to home school my child." Sorry Charlie: it's not that easy. Last year, a student from a one parent family said her mom was going to home school her. I said "I thought your mom worked. How are you going to have school at home when your mom is working?" The 4th grader said "I guess I will just sit there."

BTW: If this voucher nonsense pays money for home schooling, it will go down as the biggest waste of money in history.
Concerning home schooling, I wonder what the 6 Man team's day is like during football season? One hour of academics and 6 hours of football practice? My daughter tried home schooling with her kids, and it worked somewhat, but she finally gave it up and put her kids back in "real" school. Some parents, if not happy with the way a school is run, will say "Well I am just going to home school my child." Sorry Charlie: it's not that easy. Last year, a student from a one parent family said her mom was going to home school her. I said "I thought your mom worked. How are you going to have school at home when your mom is working?" The 4th grader said "I guess I will just sit there."

BTW: If this voucher nonsense pays money for home schooling, it will go down as the biggest waste of money in history.
I didn’t think they had much of a cut out in the bill for homeschooling other than just a base voucher that would cover the cost of the course materials like the home school computer programs but no money direct to the parents. I may be misinformed though.
I've got friends who home school. They participate in a co-op and the quality of education is outstanding. As with anything, there's a right way to do it and a wrong way. There will always be people who abuse the system, but for those parents who are genuinely concerned about what public schools are doing, not only with the quality of education but also the political nonsense, and they have the ability to provide the quality of education they're seeking, home school is a great option. I've gained a new level of respect for it over the past few years.
My friend's daughter got to plan out their graduation ceremony and instead of walking in to pomp and circumstance, walked in to the Top Gun theme song. The whole ceremony was a blast.
Homeschooling has the same strengths and weaknesses as our public schools. If the parents are well educated and motivated to teach their children, they will get an education superior to what is available except for the wealthy. And on the other hand, those choosing to just to isolate and do the minimal instruction will get minimal results. The number of homeschooled children has grown quickly in Texas and will continue to do so. Home schooling is a response to dissatisfaction with public schools' limitations and lack of moral training and guidance. Not a shot at public schools or private, it is here to stay.
My sophomore year when I played for THESA, I went to a small two day a week co op. It was excellent. TAIAO has practice limitations just like UIL and TAPPS. It was overall a great experience but when I moved I had to go to public school.