Dave Campbell's Summer Edition 2016?? Locations


Six-man fan
Has anyone yet to find a copy of Dave Campbell's Texas Football Magazine on a shelf anywhere yet? It was supposed to hit shelves Monday, but still hasn't seemed to arrive in North Central Texas at least. Just curious if ANYONE had actually seen it?
Thanks to BAYLOR! They have caused this problem!
I called Greg Tepper himself on Monday afternoon and he told me, "The publishing company is having issues with the "binding" part of the magazine and it has caused a delay in getting them out.
The next day (Tue) on his daily video clip, he said "I've got his magizine and the others are all on the trucks headed to the stores. I've called about 30 stores from Wal-Mart, HEB, Barnes & Noble, and others in towns from San Angelo, Bwood, Bee Cave, Austin and San Antonio and everyone is saying the same thing........ "We have no clue when they will get here or if they have even been shipped!"
I think Baylor was going to be on the COVER and of course the shake up at Waco caused major problems for DCTF and they had to fix a disaster!
So to answer your question, NO.
no Baylor was not going to be on the cover. The cover has nothing to do with it...this year's cover is homage to the 1963 cover (they mix up covers and Baylor was on it 2 years ago and it's to soon for them to be on it again)...

The Baylor firing did cause some problems for the editors but it was still before the magazines were sent to the printers and binding...so if it delayed it at all it was a few days at most to change everything Baylor...in the binding process the magazine was delayed and thus it is delayed hitting shelves.

That's the straight dope...speculate all you want but the cover had nothing to do with it