D5 Championship Friday 10-30

Who will win? Lifegate or Heritage

  • Seguin Lifegate Christian School

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Fredericksburg Heritage School

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Six-man pro
Okay ... District title on the line.

Lifegate 2-0, 9-0 overall
Heritage 2-0, 3-5 overall

Game is Fri. 10/30 at Fredericksburg HS Billie Stadium, 7:30 p.m.

Historically, Heritage leads the series 6-0. Except for the first game in 2003 (Heritage 32-13) and 2006 (Heritage 30-16), all the other games ended by the 45 point rule.

Make your pick ...
I'm basing my vote off of the last two games....

there won't be a 45 either way but i've got to go with lifegate.... i'm not sure what else they have to do in order for people to know that they are a threat.... haha

but anyway, their offense is unstoppable, and their defense gets better and better every week....

will be a good game but lifegate wins by 24
Oh, I forgot a couple other "intangibles..."

Heritage has four of the last five TAPPS D2 State Titles.

They have won all five district titles (2006 was a three-way tie between Heritage, Lifegate and Town East) with only 1 district loss in those five years (Town East, 2006; Heritage was #1 seed by tiebreakers).

Lifegate has won 9 in a row, average margin of victory is 37.2 points (closest game, 12 points)
More Heritage - Lifegate trivia

Heritage started playing football in 2002 (1-5 or 1-6 that first year; I actually saw their only win at Castroville Daystar Christian).

Lifegate started in 2003. Because of my superior political connections, we were able to get into a district that year (Daystar folded and we had every school but one from the district on the schedule and were able to add that one school in a common open week; we made the mistake of winning a district game, making the playoffs and getting beat by the 2002/2003 state champion Granbury Happy Hill 88-6). Heritage didn't get into the district until 2004.

Lifegate's first game was against Heritage, at Navarro HS (where we were playing games our first five years). They won 32-13; I remember our first touchdown. We punted the ball and the ref signaled that a Heritage player had made contact with the ball. Unfortunately, no one on the field ... especially two players (our kid and a Heritage kid) looking at a ball on the 2 yard line ... knew that. I run down the sideline yelling "It's a live ball ... pick it up." Our kid gives me this deer-in-the-headlites look, picks up the ball, and runs it in for our first touchdown ever.

Heritage lost their next game to New Braunfels Christian. They did not lose again until 2006 when Arlington St. Albans beat them. We lucked out and got them the next week. I told Coach Shipman I wasn't sure which poison was worse ... playing a team on a 36 game winning streak or playing a team with a 35 game winning streak that just got it broken the week before.

Robert Ramsey killed us on three plays ... two interceptions in the first half that went something over 70 yards each time (Heritage had a 14-8 halftime lead on those two picks, one coming right near half when we were up 8-6, running out the clock until we got a decent gain close to the endzone). Then, in the second half, they were up 22-16 and fourth and three and a half miles in their territory. We hold them and we have a good chance to get back in the lead. But nope, Ramsey gors all the way for the score, they're up 30-16 and the game is for all purposes over.

And all the other times, we got our back ends whipped ...

Let's see what happens in 2009. ...
I love history John. I even named my son from a OT history story. Num:13:27 "we went into the land to which you sent us and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large.":30;Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said , "We should go up and take possession of the land, FOR WE CAN CERTAINLY DO IT".. hey we got a Caleb on our team too...!! I believe :!:
Brother Robert the Second ... Yes, I think this is very possibly the Lifegate team that can take us off the "o-fer" on this matchup.

I'm feeling like Moses (besides the fact that I feel awfully old ...) in that I'm close to seein' the promised land ...

But like the Apostle Thomas, I'm kinda thinking I need to see it before I believe. I just don't think that ol' Heritage mule is buried deep enough in that grave just yet ... I expect there is a lot of excitement in Fredericksburg this week and they've circled this game on their schedule as well. They've had a lot more whuppin' on them than they're used to and after a couple weeks of wins, they may be deciding that those w's feel a whole lot better.

And both coaches and both squads know that the game will be won on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by the team that works the hardest to succeed on Friday night.

Playoffs for Lifegate started Saturday night. Round 2 is at Billie Stadium.

A great history lesson in the Heritage/Lifegate rivalry. This is always a special game and us Heritage fans look forward to it every year.

One small correction - Marble Falls beat Heritage, not New Braunsfels. Heritage beat New Braunsfels Christian in a very close game.
markb":m24ofvxf said:

A great history lesson in the Heritage/Lifegate rivalry. This is always a special game and us Heritage fans look forward to it every year.

One small correction - Marble Falls beat Heritage, not New Braunfels. Heritage beat New Braunfels Christian in a very close game.

Yeah, I'd look forward to this game if I were Heritage. You whup up on us like we're rented mules ... and the post game party usually starts early.

I stand corrected ... and hey, my memory of it being New Braunfels comes from the Heritage coaching staff. So they're as senile as I am ...
Having played both schools, I would give the nod to Lifegate. They have more speed and size than Freddy. I believe it could get ugly for Freddy if they don't contain Caleb Tate on defense. He is an awsome player. They MUST stop him if they have any chance of winning. They also must control the clock as much as possible. If they can do this, they will have a chance. Should be worth the price of admission.
tepryde":anhwg94f said:
Having played both schools, I would give the nod to Lifegate. They have more speed and size than Freddy. I believe it could get ugly for Freddy if they don't contain Caleb Tate on defense. He is an awsome player. They MUST stop him if they have any chance of winning. They also must control the clock as much as possible. If they can do this, they will have a chance. Should be worth the price of admission.

Fortunately for Lifegate, Coach Shipman is incapable of any of those things. I expect he'll be calling Coach Rabon to forfeit the game sometime around mid-day Wednesday.

(Note: this now ends the satire portion of my smart aleck reply)

Seriously, Brother Robert the First, I hope and pray you're right. I sure would like to see the promised land once before I die ...
Taddy I am thinking I am going to have to talk to Rabon and get you back on your double sinility pills. You may have to go back and look at the file I sent you last year on Freddy's record from 2003-2008. I remember you telling me to write it down for you because you would forget.

dont tell me you lost it.... :) I couldnt resist.
Tims":dhlj34g7 said:
Taddy I am thinking I am going to have to talk to Rabon and get you back on your double sinility pills. You may have to go back and look at the file I sent you last year on Freddy's record from 2003-2008. I remember you telling me to write it down for you because you would forget.

dont tell me you lost it.... :) I couldnt resist.

I did lose it, sorry.

And it was really tough, because they were on those stone tablets you brought down from the mountain. Everywhere I looked on it, it said "W". And I don't think that refered to a recent President of the USA.

See you Friday.

Oh, and the doc has us on triple senility pills now ...
Brother Taddy, I'm getting to really enjoy your posts. You should have been a newspaper sports columnist.

Yeah, I'd look forward to this game if I were Heritage. You whup up on us like we're rented mules ... and the post game party usually starts early
"Rented mules" ... but bro you gotta lose that fear if you wanna see the promised land.God let all those chickens die out in the desert...and we don't have another 40 years for this to come around again ..lol
and coach teprde , we appreciate the thumbs up on caleb...he has worked hard in the weight room and I hope he gets the recognition he deserves at the end of the season..but i think you would agree Lifegate is by no means a one player team and that Freddy better get on #22 austin swick and #19 mat akin or these boys will put up another 8 TD's on you.
robt78155":2nqan0pp said:
Brother Taddy, I'm getting to really enjoy your posts. You should have been a newspaper sports columnist.

Yeah, I'd look forward to this game if I were Heritage. You whup up on us like we're rented mules ... and the post game party usually starts early
"Rented mules" ... but bro you gotta lose that fear if you wanna see the promised land.God let all those chickens die out in the desert...and we don't have another 40 years for this to come around again ..lol
and coach teprde , we appreciate the thumbs up on caleb...he has worked hard in the weight room and I hope he gets the recognition he deserves at the end of the season..but i think you would agree Lifegate is by no means a one player team and that Freddy better get on #22 austin swick and #19 mat akin or these boys will put up another 8 TD's on you.

shush, bro robt the 2nd ... shipman reads this and hey, even a blind squirrel can find an acorn now and then...

we'll find out fri nite...
Robt- lets just put it this way, last year you dont have Caleb and we win 42-12. This year you have him and you win 71-30. I know your not a one horse team, but Caleb is the head of the horse as far as I am concerned. But, your team played well and deserved to win the game.
tepryde":ndidqhbs said:
Robt- lets just put it this way, last year you dont have Caleb and we win 42-12. This year you have him and you win 71-30. I know your not a one horse team, but Caleb is the head of the horse as far as I am concerned. But, your team played well and deserved to win the game.

I thank you for the recoginition, but I did not even lead in tackles when we faced you. When I came back from Seguin High, the guys really got on board with working out.

Every game my prayer is that the work we put in during the summer in the blistering heat will show in the game, and so far God has granted me with my request. That is, wether it be Matt Akin, Kolton Coffman, Austin Swick, Matt Swick, Tyler Swisher, Brendan Gravett, Kyle Coffman, Matthew Scott, Joseph Mullican, Hunter Huell, Jayson Mittleburg, or myself, there has been a player that steps his game up to a new level because of his devotion to the school, to football, and most of all to serving God.

Sincerly #26 Caleb Tate
Caleb- I know you didn't lead the team in tackles the other night, if I am correct it was #27 he did a great job also, but I was having to use two blockers to try to keep you from getting to the QB and that still didn't work sometimes. You are the leader of this team, you got your guys to buy into the off season workouts and it is paying dividends now. Keep putting God first in your life and no matter what happens in life you will find success.

its funny that we are mentioning horses......

Caleb is a leader and a great defensive captain/player
The fact that he is humble about his play and gives all victory to God makes him that much more enjoyable to watch.

But back to the horseman thing.... A couple of the dads and myself call our captains and a freshman "the four horsemen" lol

partly because two of them drive mustangs.... but the other part is because they all lead this team.... whether its with words or with play...

Lifegate has something special going for them these next few years...

guys i want you to look at the believers bastrop game..... look how close we were to giving that game up... don't underestimate freddy and you will walk off the field victorious....
Talent comes and goes but the program is defined by the culture of the school leadership and fan support. We've seen some ups and downs at lifegate but Rabon, his coaches and most importantly the players and their parents have nurtured a culture of hard work and dedication to one another. It's a beautiful thing to see and must be guarded and pasted on.

As far as Caleb goes, I love how uncomfortable he get's when someone speaks to his football abilities, he always turns the conversation back to his team. Teprye is correct, he is the head of the horse but he uses that mantle to build up the body of the horse. He's even committed to work out with some of the jr. high boys during the off season, and the boys are thrilled. Most "big men on campus" are above the younger kid's but all Caleb asked from those boys was their committment to be there and work hard. It brings me great joy to be around young men who will sacrifice of themselves to build others up; in my book, that's far more impressive than anything he's done on the football field. (except when he laid the lumber on two players and the head coach on the same play last week) just kidding coach Davis but i just couldn't resist :| and in all seriousness I hope you are doing well.

Coach Meador
Meador- just so you will know, I have my ankle in a boot. I will wear it for a couple of weeks, I am just getting old and can't move like I use to (not that I could ever move fast :lol:) . But it was my own player that got me, and he said that it was payback for all the bear crawls I made him run. Hope all is going well, may the best team win tomorrow.