CT6MFL Week 7, 11 Feb 2012


11-man fan
Sat 2/11 Zephyr Bulldogs vs. Strawn Greyhounds 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Bulldog Stadium
Sat 2/11 Buckholts Badgers vs. Gordon Longhorns 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Jim Hauk Field
I was told the season was canceled because of the fights & unsportsmanlike conduct by some teams. The rules are being rewritten in an attempt to avoid these issues in future seasons.
Just to clear some things up,
There were 2 injuries that would fall in the "major" category.
1 - neck injury causing temporary paralysis. (don’t ask me to comment on it, there are 2 sides to every story)
2 - A dislocated shoulder - which required the collar bone to be shaven before the ball would re-seat itself.

Let me be clear: If you think this game can be played without sacrifice you are mistaken. If you play this game and don’t know you can get seriously injured, then you didn’t read the wavier very well and I’m surprised you made it this far in life. If you can’t stand the thought of “little Timmy” getting hurt you should not let him play a full contact sport. We have other sports for him like golf, tennis and swimming.

With that said there are things we can do better:
1. Actual coaching? all my guys are going back to the basics
2. Understanding the referee’s version of football mechanics
3. Staying at the ready until the whistle blows
4. Empty slot for adding more to the list :)

Next year, the rules will be stiffened; however you cannot change nor control the quality of men playing on these teams. You will always have rouge players that have nothing to lose for acting the way they do “even if you have known them your whole life”. This is not the NFL and we don't get paid for playing, so there is nothing to take away when a player can just walk away. We will be looking to crack down on the teams as a whole as well as the individual. We will institute the soap party effect. Meaning if you play in a un-sportsman like manner, then your team will take the hit for it as well. The "team" will have to play more of a roll in controlling their players.

Here are some of the things we will be in considering for next year, if we continue to play:
1. Moving away from home town mascots
2. Move all games to a centralized location
3. Team penalties for un-sportsmanlike conduct
4. All games must be videotaped
5. Refundable deposits based on season performance

To answer HPD, yes they are still in existence.

This is the League in San Antonio that has gone on for 5+ years

Don't forget to speel check and grammer check me.