coaches needed


11-man fan
dallas gateway charter academy is looking for some asst. coaches for the football team for the 2007 football season. also looking for girls vollyball and basketball coaches. you have to teach classes. the classes are social studies, p.e. or electives classes. if interested please fax your resume' attention james bevil at 214-371-4022 or for more info call 214-325-7741.<P>thank you <BR>james bevil <BR>athletic dirictor
we are not a private school. we are a public school.we go to grades pre-k thru 10 this year. next year we are going to go to the 11th and grade and plane to go the the 12th the year after. we try to compete with the public schools on wages. i have a couple of open dates for next year.
Hey coach, <P>would you like to schedule another ms/var game with us for next year? If so, which dates do you have open? <P>Coach Harris<BR>Glenview
is there a way i can get in touch with you besides fax and phone? let me know!! i am interested in talking to you about the vacancies!
To:Apple Springs Coach<BR>What dates do you have open? Right now I have week 0 and week 7 open.<BR>Coach Stredic<BR>Jesus Chapel School<BR>915-494-1126