Borden County Extravaganza


Six-man fan
Borden County is excited to announce a tentative schedule for their inaugural Week 1 Borden County Extravaganza. We still have room for two more teams if anyone is interested. We plan on providing each Coaches with two gifts and provide the participating teams with a meal. If you are interested in participating please contact Trey Richey @ [email protected] or text me at (806)759-3335 or call the same number. Thank you all for agreeing to participate in this event.
Teams Participating
Lueders Avoca
Buena Vista
Wichita Christian
Borden County
New Home
Garden City
Austin Veritas Academy

Sands vs Lueders Avoca Thursday at 5:30
Borden County vs Meadow Thursday at 8:00

New Home vs Klondike Friday at 5:30
Westbrook vs Aspermont Friday at 8:00

Garden City vs Austin Veritas Saturday at 12:00
Wichita Christian vs Rule Saturday at 3:00
Buena Vista vs Paducah Saturday at 6:00

We would really like to add a 4th game to Saturday. These Saturday times could also change. Again, thank you all for participating. Take care and God bless, TR
Borden County is looking for another team. We just had another team contact us about playing. If needed we can shuffle some things around. The game would be a saturday game as of right now. If anyone is interested or if someone in our current line-up has decided not to come and has not contacted me please get back with us. I have heard from all but one or two with their sizes for the coaches pullovers. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Congratulations to Coach Burkhart and Richland Springs and Coach Crawford and Abbott, always makes for an amazing Christmas holidays when you win a State Championship, very well deserved for two great coaches and amazing programs.
Contact me at [email protected] or (806)759-3335. Take care and God bless, TR