Athens Christian Prep.


11-man fan
My name is Allen Stallings and I am the new A.D. at ACP. If you need anything or have questions you can get the story from me. I will say the was no rule in TCAF at the time that prohibits a player from playing in TCAF if they could not play in UIL. Also I believe everyone that need a second should get one. Our Lord forgives us so we as christians should forgive also. We as a christian school gave this young man a second chance in a christian atmosphere and there is nothing you can say that will convense me otherwise. Our school did nothing wrong and our coach did nothing wrong to my knowledge. I know there was not any recruiting regulations broke. I would love for everyone to give us a second chance and let us compete as christians. If you would like to visit just give me a call. 903-477-3875.
I also have about 8 more basketball dates to fill if anyone would like to play. Also we played Kings Academy last saturday and we lost to them 37 to 38. Coach Ross was not at that game or our previous weeks game. Thanks to all