Another good thing about being independent

FCSA football

Six-man fan
There are a lot of good reasons to be an Independent.
If, for various reasons, you can't keep your team together because of
Other commitments or demands made on the team members and their families
And those reasons Prevents them from playing past the first week of November, then a post
Season playoff is impossible. Another is expense. Not every program can
Afford the time and expense of playing the far outlying
Teams in "your" conference or division.
Most importantly, you don't HAVE TO SCHEDULE any
Team except the ones, for your own reasons, and theirs,
You WANT to play.
My kids are country kids pure and simple. Before the game they
March in carrying the FLAG of our country for the National Anthem.
They believe in God and America.
Last night the team we played and their coaches, kneeled during the
Presentation of the Colors, and National Anthem.
That is the good thing about being Independent.
You are not told who you have to play.
The organization, team and coaches may chose to disrespect our values, but we don't have to be a part of that.
Those who have served and those who have died in the service
Of our Country deserve Respect, not condemnation.
Therefore we don't have to schedule nor will we play that team again.
As an Independent, that's our right and our choice.
Veterans Day is this Friday. Take time to thank them for their service and sacrifice.
Thanks for once again sharing how great you think your program is. Playoffs are such a drag, we may see a mass exodus towards independent ball very soon....
Didn't say it was great compared to anyone else's. Just said it works for us.
Go back to bed and try getting up on the other side. Smile, God has given you another day. That's why it's called "the Present".
You are right Cowboy P. Just a few minutes before the game, their coach came over and said they would all take a knee when the National Anthem was played and that there were "problems" at their last game when they did it and would I tell my kids not "to cause problems".
In my post I was simply pointing out that one of the benefits of being an independent is that I don't HAVE TO schedule them because we don't belong to any conference that requires you to play certain teams.
We want to play football, not get involved with the political or social cause de jur. Therefore we won't schedule this team again. I acknowledge this is America and they have a "right" to do that and as an Independent we have the right to chose who we play. We chose not to play those organizations that hate this country, and as an Independent, we cannot be forced to be a part of something we don't believe in.
My response wasn't directed at anthem or independent comments, just couldn't let yet another arrogant/know it all post from FCSA coach go by without commenting myself.
Since this topic is about the Anthem protests...

I would like to say is hotly debated or even accepted now that Football has become our National sport...however Baseball is and always will be our National Pastime and while football players are disrespecting our country...not once during the Baseball Playoffs or World Series did this happen! Very fitting for our National Pastime!
FCSA Thank you for your post its very easy to understand your post and i also feel the passion you do for our flag and country. for a school to do that blows my mind, to the clowns on this post who are attacking you and not embracing the true message behind this shame on you!!!!!!!
Tdog, very fitting you would join in this discussion as you and FCSA were the 2 calling out the Groom coaches a few weeks ago. It's one thing for fans to get on the board and call out other coaches and play the "if I was the coach" card, it's another thing for a Sixman head coach to come on the board and do the same. Not only is it arrogant, but foolish and classless for a head coach to do that, especially one that keeps talking about how classy his program is....
Thanks for that reference. I will certainly save it for future use.
It was my kids idea to carry the Flag in for the Presentation of Colors and National Anthem at the beginning of this season at our home games.
I recently explained to them how much it ment to me and other veterans. I told them that as a high school senior, I like many others, couldn't afford college, so we were looking at being drafted upon graduation and that some of my friends that like me, were drafted didn't make it back home alive. Because of similar social rebellion at that time, we couldn't wear our uniforms off base stateside because of the danger posed by "civilians". In one the towns I was stationed in there were signs in the windows of stores and restaurants that said "no military or dogs allowed". One night a pick up truck drove by the front gate and threw the body of a young airman out that had been beaten to death in town because he was foolish enough to wear his uniform.
This is why Veterans honor our Flag and National Anthem, we had to fight for it, at home and abroad.
So I told the kids on the team, that is why I, and all veterans appreciated their consideration And thoughtfulness.

My kids display the flag with pride and do not display disdain and contempt for our National Anthem and we don't have to play teams that do. We are after all, an Independent.
Good im glad that im getting exposed for standing up for what is right and what is honorable kb. If people dont want to be called out then do the right thing i dont know fcsa nor does it matter but standing up for whats right is easy to do... God Bless America and some day you will understand or maybe its true The people who dont get it dont get that they dont get it!!!!
Ah yes, my fault. TDog started a post about Groom, you responded to a post about Crowell/Happy regarding celebration/taunting and went on a rant about how your team knows better, if it was your player he would never play, yada yada. Again, fans calling coaches out is lame, but whatever. Head coaches calling out other programs and coaches is arrogant, foolish, and classless. You don't know the dynamics of the Crowell team nor the decisions their coaches have to make, just like you don't fully understand the dynamics of the Austin Achieve team or community nor decisions their coaches have to make.

If you have a problem with them be a man and discuss it with them in person, don't come on the message board and call them out publicly. You called out Crowell team for "trying to embarrass their opponents", isn't that EXACTLY what you are trying to do now on the board????
TDog, I'm calling you out for your Groom post, when I doubt you had any idea what really happened in that situation. Not calling you out for your beliefs on the anthem. I do not disagree with you here, but you called me a clown for taking issue with a head coach using the board to call out other coaches and programs. Again my post had nothing to do with the anthem and everything to do with a head coach feeling the need to repeatedly show how classy and great his program is at the expense of others.
Once again you are completely misrepresenting what I said. I guess you have to hitch hike on others post because you are unable to come up with original thoughts of your own.
Once again, I don't know anyone at Crowell. I comment on issues an events, unlike you, who seem to be too emotionally and intellectually immature to separate criticism of events and or actions from personal attacks.
Something you Do seem to be adept at.
I think what you may be referring to is what I said about sending someone to the bench for being disrespectful no matter who they are. In my book taunting is disrespectful and Can get you an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty as well.
I teach my kids that you have to respect someone else before you can respect yourself. A concept I can see is beyond your comprehension.
I didn't mention any school name, you did. I have nothing but respect and admiration for those coaches that take on special challenges in coaching and are trying to make a difference in kids lives. I've been a cop on the mean streets of Houston so I know first hand what some coaches face there. But disrespectful behavior doesn't end at the city limits. Country kids and parents think they can be disrespectful because or who they think they are or who their daddy is or what their last name is. They go to the bench too if their behavior warrents it.
If all this is too complicated for you to grasp, I suggest YOU CALL ME, C.H. Harvey, 979-203-6765. You won't of course because you have a special agenda.that's why you just joined today.
Actually you sound a lot like Hillary Clinton and you think I'm your personal Donald Trump to lie about and misquote.
Now if your really an up and up person with no hidden agenda please POST YOUR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER ON THIS THREAD.
Kb i private messaged you as well feel free to call me then it becomes real.. Again have a blessed day to all and if we cant respect God and our Country along with ourselves then this is the product of that people who are not just afraid to stand up for what is right but actually hide behind their insecurities and attack those real men who say there peace bassed on facts not prejudices and yes ill say it too their face as well not in a confrontational way but tactfully.. Kb i did speak personally to several people at the groom game like a MAN to their face