Alien Abduction


Six-man expert
Not alot suprises me about the metromess anymore but Saturday afternoon I was up in Arlington and got sucked up into an alien space ship that had landed. Had these huge glass doors on each end that looked like they could open to suck even more people in at one time but they just used some small ones at the bottom. Inside it hat these two 2-3 foot high rings of light going all the way around it constantly flashing symbols going around in circles. Disorenting. And they were playing LOUD noise that sounded kind of like music but this was not Bob Wills, Elvis or even the Beatles. Then they had this HUGE tv hanging right in the middle that they showed Firestone commercials on of all things (and turned the noise up even louder when this happened). Every once in a while if flashed this extremely bright blue screen with a little emblem in the middle that said LSC. Made me want to jerk my head back. Just about everybody it sucked in before and after me turned some shade of purple, clothes, faces, hair, even some shoes and hats. Weirdest part was after about a 1/2 hour a football game broke out on the floor, they had it marked off and everthing with zebras included. But the markings were wrong and they used too many players. It was not real sixman football but somewhat entertaining none the less. They did have people walking by every 5 minutes or so shouting "Ice Cold Beer" - at $8.50 a pint, that seemed kinda outa this world to me. Towards the end it did start suckin in people who were this kind of dull looking ugly red all over. Thank goodness it spit me out.