if penelope wins and abbott wins then it would go to a three way tie. they determine 1st and 2nd by a point system. penelope lost by 25 and won by 30 so they have 5 points. aquilla has won by a combined 16 points and has 16. abbott has the loss by seven and the win by 25, giving them 18. if penelope wins by 14 or more than if abbott beats bynum, abbott would get 2nd and penelope would get 1st. and less and abbott would get 1st with penelope in 2nd. but say if penelope wins by 4, that gives penelope 9 points and aquilla 12, so if abbott wins, abbott gets 1st and aquilla would get 2nd. bynum would have to beat abbott by a decent margin to knock out abbott and i don't see that happening. i got abbott by 30 and penelope by 13, even if only because of #10s injury.