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My personal opinion is it begins with a commitment from admin and school board to make decisions quickly and precisely. Waiting allows for too many emotions and opinions to cloud sound judgement. To have a legitimate shot at a smooth transition, and beginning something that has a chance at longevity, the administration and school board can't drag their feet with all the redundant meetings and votes. They need to meet privately, have speakers prepared to represent both sides, and make a decision that night. Notify the current coaching staff their dual-contract for coaching will be non-renewed, that night. Current coaches should be put on a non-disclosure agreement, thus limiting their contact with parents and students. They have the option of applying for the new position, like everyone else, but interviews start in 10 days (stop delaying the inevitable and allowing misinformation a chance to brew). So often when you delay, the "in-house" staff becomes disenchanted, and can speak poorly of the move, which sours students and parents on the transition before it ever happens. If the district keeps that staff, no one wants to be out there, so it never has a fair shake from the beginning. If they bring in a new staff, the new staff is viewed as the "DARK SIDE" and the killer of "tradition". They're not offered a fair shot because of the negativity spewed from the previous staff, and struggle to get the best players to play, or even stay. Make quick decisions, be transparent with the decisions made, give it a fair shot at being successful, and support, support, support the transition.
