Recent content by VI-MAN

  1. VI-MAN

    Jayton or Oakwood to win state?

    That’s not Maple three way. Three Way is a school close to Stephenville.
  2. VI-MAN

    Best and Worst of Former Fields

    I played on them in the 90’s. I believe we all had armadillo problems, but they were pretty nice then other than that. Lol
  3. VI-MAN

    Best and Worst of Former Fields

    I really liked Blanket, May, and Zephyr’s old stadium. They all had unique character and great feilds.
  4. VI-MAN

    Best and Worst of Former Fields

    That Star field had rocks, grassburs, and goatheads.
  5. VI-MAN

    Gordon vs Abbott Thoughts

    Abbott is better than pretty good!! Ive seen them this year, and they are real dang good!! The problem is Gordon is just a monster, and they have to be climbing up everyones short list of maybe being the best 6man team ever?
  6. VI-MAN

    Gordon vs Abbott Thoughts

    Tell us more. Sounds like you know of some big changes coming up?
  7. VI-MAN

    Gordon vs Abbott Thoughts

    I don’t think Gordon will have to play in a third quarter this year or next season unless they just want to play deep on the roster.
  8. VI-MAN

    Online Tickets

    Im curious what would happen if the internet and cell service went down at game time ? That would be a mess
  9. VI-MAN

    Upset Alert?

  10. VI-MAN

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    I will love 6man football no matter what UIL changes, unless they make it flag football—then im out!! Lol
  11. VI-MAN

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    What if they drop it back to about 95 like it should be?
  12. VI-MAN

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    I dont like that idea either. I respect it, but don’t like it. They are doing it starting this year in basketball. I believe it will be a fail, because we will have several above average size D1 schools in the D2 bracket for playoffs. Time will tell, we will see how it all plays out soon...
  13. VI-MAN

    This is why is why i hate divisions

    I just don’t understand why so many 6man people are so hung up on this. I rarely hear anyone saying anything about it in any of the other classifications, unless the team they are supporting is a juggernaut and then maybe they get curious. How many D2 coaches do yall think would actually like...