Recent content by panthermom

  1. P

    All Star Game

    Looking for info on the 2014 All Star game in July. My son is playing and can't seem to find anything other than the date. Anyone help?
  2. P

    Sincere act of sportsmanship by Oakwood.

    Thank you Coach Satcher. That really means a lot to me and our tiny community. That was an AMAZING game your boys played! I even accidentally cheered for them once or twice. :)
  3. P

    Div 1 bracket

    Oakwood is playing Fannindel in Fruitvale at 7:30 Friday.
  4. P


    Halfway through the third quarter.
  5. P


    Apparently we're (Oakwood) playing Fannindel this Friday. Anyone know anything about this team?
  6. P


    We (Oakwood) played them last week and I was seriously impressed. Those Chester boys played hard!! I even cheered for them once. (accidentally lol)
  7. P

    UIL Officially Announces Shotwell as 2012 Championship Site

    300 miles from me, but I see your point about the center. Sometimes I forget my "own little world" is HUGE (Texas being that world). :)
  8. P

    UIL Officially Announces Shotwell as 2012 Championship Site

    Why couldn't they pick some place in the center of the state? Sooooo far away!
  9. P

    Oakwood- Trinidad predictions

    Where were you? I didn't see a ten gallon hat
  10. P

    Oakwood- Trinidad predictions

    Heck'uva good game. Oakwood 45'd them. Final Score 72-26. Hurt a few Trojans in the process. Sorry boys.
  11. P

    Can you identify this team - Readers Digest Oct 12 issue?

    I still want to see the picture. lol