Recent content by LeopardPride

  1. L

    1a Baseball Tournaments

    Yeah, well this year we have quite a few that would want to play, whether it be outlaw or not, too bad they lost the team last year.
  2. L

    1a Baseball Tournaments

    I'll volunteer, anything to get me on the diamond would help. how's the Roo Sox, Coach
  3. L

    New Home Baseball

    If a team drops from district play in baseball, would you have to wait a "WHOLE YEAR" just get a bid from another district? New Home has many highschoolers that would like to play, and I dont think its fair to send your seniors off without playing the sport that they really worked hard for.
  4. L

    New Home Baseball

    If a team drops from district play in baseball, would you have to wait a "WHOLE YEAR" just get a bid from another district? New Home has many highschoolers that would like to play, and I dont think its fair to send your seniors off without playing the sport that they really worked hard for.