Recent content by hhsowls

  1. H

    Power Cleans

    There is no empirical evidence of atg squats being bad for the knees. If you are going to be doing Olympic lifts then squat ATG and make dang sure it's done right and the lifter is properly spotted. As for PC vs HC, we do both. PC develops power from the ground up, but the HC develops...
  2. H

    Hedley needs week 3

    Still looking. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact David O'Dell 806 856 5323
  3. H

    Hedley needs week 3

  4. H

    Hedley needs week 3

    Still looking. Please call or email if interested
  5. H

    Hedley needs week 3

    Due to a cancellation Hedley is looking for a week 3 game. If interested contact David O'Dell or Buddy Isbell. 806-856-5323
  6. H

    "We've Only Just Begun"

    I know that Buckholts and Hedley are both looking as well.
  7. H

    Hedley Needs Games

    Just looking for a week 3. Thanks. Again if interested call Buddy Isbell or David O'Dell @ 806-856-5323.
  8. H

    Hedley Needs Games

    Hedley is looking for either a week 3 or week 7 game. The game can be home or away. Please keep travel times reasonable. If interested please contact Coach Buddy Isbell or David O'Dell. 806-856-5323. Thanks
  9. H

    Official Numbers for Realignment

    Hedley turned in 35
  10. H

    Basketball Games needed

    Hedley is looking for boys and girls basketball games for the following dates: November 29 January 3 January 13 January 31 We are also looking for 1 High School tournament and 2 Junior High tournaments. If interested please contact Adam Cline @ 806-856-5323 Ext 31 or Coach Housden @...
  11. H

    Prayers for Injured McLean player

    Prayers from the Hedley team and coaching staff. Get well soon Zach!!
  12. H

    Just How Bad Could it be or How Good could it be for GC ??

    I still disagree. The whole idea wasn't for the bottom half of DII to be competitive it was for the upper half to have a chance at real success. Very few truly small schools were competitive at the highest level. There are notable exceptions. It was so the school with 30 kids who had a good...
  13. H

    Just How Bad Could it be or How Good could it be for GC ??

    JO, I don't know what any of this has to do with Garden City, but are you really saying that the bottom half teams of DII shouldn't be playing because they can't win???? So should all teams that can't win just pack it up and call it a day? Not give their kids a chance to play a game everyone...
  14. H

    Hedley JH Football Games Needed

    Hedley needs a week 6, 7, and 8 JH football game. If interested please contact Coach Cline. Thanks Adam Cline Hedley Owls 806 856 5323 Ext 24 806 678 8707
  15. H

    Hedley Needs Varsity FB Games

    Still looking for a week 4 game or week 8 game. Needs to be a home game if at all possible.