Recent content by GRcowboy

  1. G

    Best Games of 2023

    Grandfalls 48 Fort Davis 42 OT
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    Grandfalls needs game

    Grandfalls needs a Varsity boys game Jan 12 or 16. Willing to travel within reason. Contact: [email protected]
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    Grandfalls needs games

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    Grandfalls needs games

    Grandfalls needs a VB game for Dec 1. Already have refs for home but can travel if needed.
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    Grandfalls needs games

    Bump still looking for JH games on 11/13 and 12/18
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    Grandfalls needs games

    Grandfalls needs a varsity game 11/7 willing to travel within reason. Also still looking for JH games on 11/13 and 12/18. Contact [email protected]
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    JH games needed for Grandfalls

    We are in need of JH games on 11/13 and 12/18 boys and girls due to cancellations. Willing to travel within reason. Contact Coach Carroll [email protected]
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    Grandfalls-Royalty Games

  9. G

    Grandfalls-Royalty Games

    Still need a VB game on Jan 12 or Jan 16 willing to travel. Also needing JH games for Girls and Boys on Nov 6, Nov 27. Home or away Contact [email protected]
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    Grandfalls-Royalty 57 Fort Hancock 12
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    Grandfalls-Royalty Games

    Still need Dec. 8 VG,VB and now Jan. 12 VB
  12. G

    Grandfalls-Royalty Games

    Grandfalls-Royalty needs basketball games for VG and VB. We will be young on both sides and can even play JV's. Home or away. Dec. 8 VG,VB Dec. 12 VG,VB Dec. 27 VG,VB Contact [email protected] '