Lubbock, I agree with you Zach did flip the "apposing" or "opposing" crowd but it wasnt his home crowd. I believe the game you are talking about was against A&M and I wouldnt dare hold it against him if it was A&M. I'd flip them.....oh nevermind. I had an issue with Graham because he flipped...
Waco Parkview is willing to host playoff games. We have hosted many playoff games the past two years. We have a beautiful natural grass surface that is still very green this late in the year. We have had an issue in the past with our scoreboard having a delay but that issue has been fixed at...
Don't do this allen. Your schools name has been drug through the mud enough. Sounds like the administration may be trying to correct and fix things. They don't need you doing this on a public forum viewed by the entire state. Just stop. Completely my opionion though. You start slinging mud...
Funny thing this public vs private. We have tossed around moving our kick-off classic to settle this argument. We have thought about doing a week 1 public vs private. And I would like to personally invite you Mr. Rainman. Take some of your public and private schools and play each other. Any...
well its a good thing none of us are playing and dont have to focus on a particular game and get to talk about all this shoulda/coulda/woulda stuff!!! although i do agree with your post
I don't think people are sleeping on them. I believe coaches are well aware of what is going on @ Fulton. Rumor mill is they got a bunch of new transfer kids in and have a solid team. I believe the coaches know this. Not saying a bad word about the kids or the coach. And you know you are...
Player or not, who have yall played??? I have no problem with them being a legit team, and they probably are. In fact my pick to win the district, but slow down there little buddy and lets talk when you have played a legit team.
if it looks like a fish and smells like a fish, must be something fishy is going on. HMMMMMM????? Was it Colonel Mustard, with a piece of pipe in the Library??