Recent content by coachbronk

  1. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

  2. coachbronk

    Coaching Carousel 2025

  3. coachbronk

    Coaching Carousel 2025

  4. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

    Open to anywhere...
  5. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

    Yeah, not sure about that, but thanks for the kind words. I’m just a slappy looking to lead a program. Lol
  6. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

    I'm open to anywhere.
  7. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

    Bump...still looking. LOL
  8. coachbronk


    Wonder if the current staff will stay or if they will look for a head coach with sixman experience.
  9. coachbronk


    Just read on Twitter that Carl Padilla is reporting that Rocksprings will be playing six-man in the Fall. If memory serves, this has been hotly debated within the community.
  10. coachbronk

    Coaching Carousel 2025

    Thanks for the information Roach.
  11. coachbronk

    Looking for an AD/Head Football Position

    I'm currently looking for an Athletic Director/Head Football position. I'm in my 30th year in education with 14 years as an administrator, 19 years of heading coaching experience, and 9 years as a head six-man football coach. I can be reached at [email protected].
  12. coachbronk

    Rumor Mill 2025

    So what jobs are actually open right now in the six-man world?
  13. coachbronk

    Air Raid

  14. coachbronk

    Air Raid

    There is no doubt the Air Raid can be successful in sixman. I ran the an Air Raid version of it when I was at Summit Christian Academy, High Island and the one season we played sixman at NBCA before I transitioned the program to 11man. Although I don't coach sixman anymore, if anyone wants to...
  15. coachbronk

    Leakey Coach Kurt Nichols Passed Away

    Know Coach Nichols from our days coaching junior college football. Really enjoyed our friendship and his passion for coaching. This is a big loss for the profession. Rest in Peace Coach.