who wins


11-man fan
Boerne Genvea @ SA Town East
SugarLand Logos @ Alvin Living Stones

I'm going with :
Boerne Geneva over SA Town East... because they played Freddy fairly well. No other reason.
I'm hoping to drive down and watch this one.

Alvin Living Stones over SugarLand Logos HUGE... by 38, I believe the spread back for living stones will be too much for logos.

would like to hear from others:
ctk is in must win situations now in order to make playoffs these next two weeks are the easier of the rest of the schedule, if they cant pull somthing out then it will be the first year since they have started up again that they will miss on playoffs
Also about happy hill, I dont think they are getting nearly enough credit (grant it i havent watched them play this season yet) Was able to watch them up close at district and state track this past year and they have some absolute speed if coach can find a way to transition that to the field they can get very dangerous. There offense seems to be a little more complex than most alot of formations and pre snap movment and such has an 11 man feel to it but with this being the second year under the playbook they can make some serious strides. Whille they may finish second or third in the district this year because brownwood is pretty legit also i see them as a team that can make a serious run in the playoffs this year.