West Texas Sixmaner
11-man fan
I was able to attend the Bronte-Garden City game this week and, even though I've not seen Robert Lee fans in action, I was disgusted by the Garden City fans. During their girls' game against Bronte, the fans, with little exception, whined about EVERY call made against their team. Even on obvious fouls/travelling, etc, the bearcat fans booed and belly-ached. During the boys' game, the crowd seemed to settle down, but the GC boys coach went ape. Almost without exception, when GC missed a shot he either glared at the refs, hollered for a foul, or turned to the crows and griped. It's as if the only way his boys can miss is if they got fouled. His Supt needs to talk to him....the whole show was embarrassing...then again, so were the scores. Those Longhorns are brutal.